I’ll say it: Most candidates shoot themselves in the foot by making easy mistakes every time they walk into an interview.
Throughout my career, I’ve seen it all. Within the first five minutes of an interview, I already have a pretty good idea of the outcome. From the
clothes they wear to how they answer pointed interview questions, it doesn’t take long for most hiring managers to make their decision.
8 tips to ace your next job interview
The next time you find yourself in an interview, keeping these 11 easy (but crucial) tips in mind will help you blow your competition out of the water, and it all starts with the basics.
1. Smile.
Seriously. That's it. I cannot count the number of candidates who never smiled during the interview.
- They were tired
- They never smiled
- They looked angry
Yes, an interview is serious business. But smiling immediately gives you the upper hand in a sea of other candidates who always look upset. Smiling shows that you're actually excited to be there — and that you actually want the job.
2. Talk about job requirements.
Know the specific demands of the
job and speak to those as you give your answers. If the job requires experience with specific “things” like software applications or development processes, confidently talk about your experience with those things.
For instance:
- Microsoft Office
- Agile Development Process
- Cisco Telephone Systems
Whenever possible, use the words of what the organization is looking for. Also, don’t forget to include these keywords on your
tailored resume too. For instance, let’s assume you’re applying for a position that requires experience with the Agile software development process.
Instead of saying that you have 12 years of development experience, say, “I have 12 years of experience leading Agile development teams through the full software development lifecycle”.
3. Research the company.
Know the company's leaders. Understand its business model. Memorize its mission statement. Even the slightest bit of research will help you answer questions correctly.
Then, tailor your answers based on the company's mission. This works.
4. Always ask a question at the end.
“Do you have any questions for us?” is typically the last question of the interview. Have a question prepared. Never say “Nope” or, “I think you already answered all my questions.” Those are bad answers.
Ask questions, like:
- Are there opportunities for a promotion in this position?
- What is the culture like at this organization?
- What does a typical day look like for this position?
5. Answer “Why us”?
I would ask this question a lot. The answer told me all I needed to know about the candidate.
- Why do you want to work here?
Specific answers are best. Generic answers mean you didn't prepare. Know your answer.
6. Admit to real weaknesses.
I've had candidates say, “I'm equally strong in all areas.” Or, “I care too much,” yada yada. Wrong answer. It's nonsense, and your interviewers know it.
We all have weaknesses, and this question helps hiring managers get a feel for how honest the candidate is. So just be honest with this question. I've hired people based on their answers to this question alone.
7. Don't bring your cell phone into the interview (or turn it off).
Notifications are distracting. It interrupts the entire flow of the discussion even if you don't look at your phone (never look at your phone).
Leave your phone in the car, in a place you can't see or remember to turn it off. No exceptions.
8. Write a personalized “Thank you” note.
Most people don't do this.
But, it makes a difference. Not every hiring manager will care, but a thank you note is never a bad thing. I got very few thank you notes throughout my career. But the ones I did get instantly put that candidate back into my mind. I’ve been known to re-look at resumes I previously tossed in the trash because of a well-written thank-you note.
Most candidates who send thank you notes use email. If you have a mailing address for the hiring manager, a hand-written and mailed thank you note could make all the difference.
Tip: Write a single "Thank you" template, then tweak it for each job interview.
I have hired hundreds of people for jobs throughout my career. Most hiring managers can distinguish between good candidates and bad ones almost instantly.
These eight tips to help ensure you come across confident, reliable, and motivated in the interview.
What's your no. 1 interview piece of advice? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss'ers!