Jane Fonda Just Nailed What We Should Do With Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Jane Fonda

@janefonda / Instagram

Una Dabiero
Una Dabiero
Updated: 9/21/2018
Jane Fonda is best known for her strong opinions. But the actress's latest, heated statement on #MeToo will have you singing her high-praises. 
At a recent event promoting Jane Fonda in Five Acts – a documentary about, well, her – Fonda had some strong words for men who’ve lost their jobs after being accused of sexual misconduct. 
She says men need to make real changes and learn how to be “empathetic” to the women they’ve hurt before they should return to their careers. 
And until they’ve made serious self-improvements? Fonda has a great idea on how they can "support themselves”. You know, if they're massive savings and disproportionatly large amounts of equity can't keep them afloat. 
“Why not do what the guys who lose their union jobs in Pennsylvania do? Work at Starbucks!” she said, searingly.
“Oh, poor top-paid executives who can’t get his job back,” Fonda continued. “F– it! Sweep the floor at Starbucks until you learn! If you can’t learn, you don’t belong in the boardroom. And there are plenty of women who do belong in the boardroom.”
Kicking assaulters out of the boardroom and replacing them with lady bosses? I think Fonda has quite the idea here. And while we're tackling the bad eggs who take up spots in the C-Suite, let's tackle the other reasons women have a hard time getting to the top. Please and thank you

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