How to Accept a Job Offer (Template and Examples Included!)

Candidate looking thrilled after receiving good news, illustrating how to accept a job offer the right way


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July 27, 2024 at 12:5AM UTC

Not sure how to accept a job offer? While it's an exciting moment (congratulations!), it also comes with its own set of worries. Should you answer over the phone, or send an email? Should you draft an official letter? How formal does it need to be? 

Take comfort in knowing that just by asking yourself these questions, you're already on the right path. As we often say, every communication with a hiring manager should be taken seriously. Your goal is to get the job you want while leaving the best possible impression. 

How? Below, you'll find out exactly how to accept a job offer when you're ready to take on your new role. 

What to do before accepting a job offer

When a company decides to hire a candidate, they typically send an email to schedule a video or phone call to deliver the good news. Some will make the formal offer during the call itself, while others might start with an informal offer and then send a formal one via email. 

One thing is certain: the call is going to happen, and you must be prepared for it. While it might be tempting to say yes immediately, take a breath, and follow these steps instead:

  • Express gratitude for the offer

  • Clarify important details such as salary, title, and start date

  • Take the time to negotiate what's important to you (salary, benefits, flexible work arrangements, etc)

  • Ask when they need your answer

It's worth noting that negotiating is a common part of the job acceptance process—and the hiring manager or recruitment team is likely used to it. Don't be afraid to talk numbers. Just keep in mind that the company won't necessarily accept your counteroffer. 

If you're good with the offer as it is, you can skip negotiation—but still, there's no harm in taking some time to think it over. Most companies give you a few days to review the offer before officially accepting—which can vary depending on when they need someone for the job. So, just in case, this is how you negotiate your salary the right way!

How to accept a job offer via email

OK, you've decided to accept a job—whether you've negotiated the terms of the offer or not—and the company is expecting an acceptance letter from you. What are the key elements you should include? What should you avoid? Wonder no more, here's exactly how to write an email accepting a job offer:

1. Write a clear subject line

The subject line of your job acceptance email shouldn't be playful or vague. You want to make sure the hiring manager or recruiter sees and opens your email, not send it to the spam box. Keep it simple and direct, like “Job Offer Acceptance - Your Name.

2. Express your gratitude

Start by expressing your gratitude for the offer. Something along the lines of, “Thank you for the opportunity to work at [Company Name]” is enough. If you negotiated the terms of the offer and reached an agreement, you can also thank them for that.

3. Officially accept the offer

This one is pretty straightforward. Formally accept your offer by clearly stating that you've taken the time to consider it and have decided to accept. Just like your email subject line, be direct and avoid any ambiguity. 

4. Confirm the offer details

One advantage of accepting job offers via email is that you don't need to rush to gather your thoughts. You can confirm every detail about the job and have it in writing afterward—which is always welcomed. 

To make sure that both you and the hiring manager are on the same page and that nothing has changed since you last spoke, confirm the following information:

  • The job title

  • The salary

  • The start date

  • Reference contact information, if requested 

That's pretty much it. If you want to add anything else, that's up to you, but as long as you include these key elements, you're set. 

5. Proofread, proofread, proofread

Another important step when accepting a job offer in writing is to proofread your email. After all, you've dedicated a lot of time to making the best impression possible during the interview process, and you don't want to mess up now. It may sound silly, but recruiters pay attention to these details, so double-check your message for typos and grammatical errors.

How to accept a job offer: Email template

Still need a little help with your job offer acceptance letter? Here's an email template you can use as a guide to write your own. Remember to make the necessary changes to fit your specific situation:

Hello [Name],

I'm thrilled to accept [Company Name]'s offer for the position of [Role] at [Salary]. Thank you for the offer and the opportunity.

As discussed during our call, my first day of work will be [Date]. I understand that I have [Benefis] on my contract.

I'm very excited to join the team and meet the rest of the [Company Name] crew. 


[Your Name]

Email signature

How to accept a job offer over: Email example

Not quite there yet? Below is an example of a job offer acceptance letter for a copywriter position at a marketing company. If you're unsure how to fill out the template above, it could be something like this:

Dear Anna,

I'm writing to accept Marketing Bee's offer for the position of Senior Copywriter at $84,000 per year. As we discussed, my first day of work will be June 1st, and I understand that I will receive health and dental insurance, as well as four weeks of paid vacation annually.

Thank you so much for the opportunity. I'm excited about joining Marketing Bee's amazing copywriting team.


Sarah Lee

What if the company sends its own letter for you to sign?

To start, read through the offer letter carefully, and, if it's an executive-level position, you may want to enlist a lawyer to help you look it over. Common documents you'll be asked to sign include non-disclosure agreements and invention/intellectual property agreements. Some companies will include policies and health benefit information with their offer letters as well.

Before signing, contact the HR rep or the manager who sent you the documents to ask for clarification or to get answers to any questions or concerns you may have. It's much easier to change contracts at this stage. Once you sign, it's assumed you agree with the information. 

While you may be tempted to speed through this step so that you can get started at your new job, this is your chance to get to know the fine print. For example, you may find the company doesn't allow employees to freelance in the same industry, which means you have to give up the side gig you've had for the past few years. 

Or, you may find an error with the stock options you're supposed to receive with the job offer. Do yourself a favor and dig into the fine print so you can start your new job on the right foot. 

How to accept a job offer over the phone

In many cases, the hiring manager or the supervisor of the position you interviewed for will call and extend you the job offer via phone. This is a tricky time, since you may blurt out "Yes!" before taking a chance to negotiate or clear up details around benefits, such as whether the company offers full dental and vision. 

What you can say: “Thank you for the fantastic offer. Let me take a few days to give it some thought. I will get back to you by [date/time]. In the meantime, if I have any questions, should I email you or would you prefer a phone call?

Some managers will extend an offer and include a deadline for when they'd like back to hear from you. Between the deadline and the offer is your time to ask questions or start negotiations around salary, paid time off, and benefits. 

However, if you're ready to say yes when the phone rings, follow the same guidance given above about what to include in your acceptance. 

What you can say: “Thank you for the offer. I accept it! To confirm, the position title is [x], the salary is [x] and the start date will be [x].

If you don't have a start date agreed upon, make sure you pick one that is doable with your current job, if you're employed. You can negotiate this with your new company as well. They'll likely want you to start as soon as possible, but if that's not something you can or want to do, it's totally within the realm of acceptable job candidate behavior to ask for more time than they offer. 


How do you negotiate salary after receiving a job offer?

For the most part, if you've accepted a job offer, you're past the established point of negotiating. While you can still try, if you've already said yes to the position and salary, it's poor form to try to renegotiate the terms. If you try to use leverage, such as having a job offer from another company, you'll still look unprofessional because you're putting the company in a bad position since you already agreed to the terms. 

What do you say when you accept a job offer?

Start by thanking the hiring manager for the opportunity and clearly stating your acceptance of the offer. Take a moment to confirm essential details such as your job title, your salary, benefits, and the starting date. Lastly, express your excitement about joining the team or company.

How do you respond to an internship acceptance email?

If you're the hiring manager, send a "happy to hear!" with first-day instructions, such as details about where to show up and when, and onboarding documents. If you're the soon-to-be intern, respond that you accept the internship and say something like "looking forward to joining the team this summer!"

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