35 Memes That Perfectly Portray Everyone’s Least Favorite Type of Coworker

Lazy Coworker


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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
Updated: 10/18/2021
Everyone has a lazy coworker who makes working with them a tough feat. You often have to do all of their work and listen to them complain about the hard knocks of life, when they're really the ones who'll never understand hard work.
Here's a lazy coworker meme to describe everyone's least-favorite employee.

1. The coworker whose job you always have to do.

coworker who doesn't work meme
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2. The coworker who is always sick.

when your coworker calls in sick meme
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3. The coworker who makes you sick.

allergic to coworker meme
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4. The coworker who is so, so wrong.

always right coworker meme
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5. The incompetent coworker.

incompetent coworker meme
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6. The coworker who's "saving their energy".

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7. The coworker who makes you wish you had no coworkers.

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8. The coworker to whom you have to repeat yourself.

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9. The coworker who always messes up and never takes responsibility.

disgruntled employee meme
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10. The coworker who expects you to do everything.

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11. The coworker who always does the bare minimum.

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12. The coworker who doesn't know they're the lazy coworker.

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13. The coworker with unrealistic excuses.

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14. The coworker who complains about how hard work is.

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15. The coworker who passes on everything.

coworker who knows everything meme
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16. The coworker who gets annoyed for having to work.

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17. The coworker who always calls out.

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18. The coworker who doesn't know their role.

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19. The coworker who calls everyone else lazy.

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20. The coworker who somehow got hired.

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21. The coworker who makes you do their job.

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22. The coworker who doesn't lift a finger.

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23. The coworker who never works.

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24. The immature coworker.

immature coworker meme
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25. The coworker who makes you doubt yourself.

not sure if coworkers are lazy meme
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26. The coworker who annoys you.

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27. The coworker who blames you.

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28. The coworker who complains.

lazy coworker complaining about working hard meme
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29. The coworker who does nothing.

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30. The useless coworker.

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31. The coworker walking around like the undead.

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32. The coworker with a thousand excuses.

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33. The coworker who doesn't do their job.

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34. The coworker who you could fight.

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35. The coworker who does no work.

lazy coworker someecard
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AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog, HerReport.org, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreport and Facebook.

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