Learn How to Code: 8 Free Platforms for Beginning and Experienced Programmers


woman on a laptop

Laura Berlinsky-Schine
Laura Berlinsky-Schine
July 26, 2024 at 11:56PM UTC
The field of programming and web development is growing rapidly. Coding is a useful skill that can open up a world of possibilities. Whether you're looking to become a professional programmer or use your skills for side projects, there are many free apps, courses, and tutorials that can teach you programming languages and skills for those just learning to code or more advanced students hoping to solidify and delve further into the world of web development.
Many beginning coders get their start through Coedacademy. The interactive learning platform teaches topics and languages including HTML & CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Angularjs, The Command Line, and others. Through interactive projects and quizzes, along with forums for discussion, blog posts, and other learning tools, you'll gain the hands-on experience you need to learn how to code with ease.
Free Code Camp allows you to gain real-world coding experience while working on projects for nonprofits. Through challenges and projects, you'll learn at your own pace and connect with other coders in your area. The platform addresses topics and languages suchs as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Databases, DevTools, Node.js, and Angular.js.
3. edX
Governed by Harvard and MIT, this open source education program offers more than 100 computer science courses and tutorials, teaching languages like Java, C#, Python, and many more. The classes are free, but you'll need to pay for a verified certificate.
Created by the founders of Viking Code School, the Odin Project is a free platform that teaches you coding skills needed to succeed in web development fields. You'll learn Ruby on Rails, Javascript, jQuery, and other topics. You'll also be able to connect with other students and build your own portfolio.
In this martial arts-themed coding platform, you'll practice through "kata" challenges and advance through more challenging and complex levels. You'll also have the opportunity to create your own "kata" and challenge other people in the community to tackle them. Coding languages include CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, Clojure, and Haskell.
Khan Academy is a free database of courses on virtually any topic you can think of. Subjects include math, science & engineering, computing, arts & humanities, economics & finance, test prep, and college, careers, and more. You'll find plenty of courses for developers teaching topics like JS, HTML/CSS, SQL, and other coding languages. Khan Academy also has offerings for younger people, so it can be a good place for kids to start learning the basics.
This coding bootcamp includes video tutorials that guide you through projects at levels ranging from beginner to advanced, covering HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, Git, Bootstrap, and other topics along the way.
This online course library includes courses taught by real professors from colleges like Johns Hopkins, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, Duke, and others. You'll learn from videos and apply your skills through quizzes and projects. Much of the material is free, but you have the option of paying for a more in-depth experience and verified certificate.
These platforms will give you a great start in the basics of coding. Be patient as you're learning to code—like many skills, gaining a knowledge of programming takes time and effort.
If you want to build a more advanced knowledge of coding, classes at local colleges, coding bootcamps, and books can help you build more advanced coding skills. Gaining as much hands-on experience as possible is also key to your success as a coder.

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