My alarm goes off. I usually hit snooze at least once, but today is Monday and I have a busy week ahead. It’s go time!
Coffee and emails before my 4-year-old munchkin wakes up and wants undivided attention.
Oh, hello Paris! (our 4-year old daughter). She’s awake, close my laptop.
Make breakfast for the family and pack Paris’s snack and lunch for Summer Camp
Impromptu dance party, Paris loves playing DJ on the Amazon Alexa! I have to remember these days aren’t forever and cherish that she wants nothing more than to dance with Mommy.
Pop back into email and see that we have finally gained TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, US Department of the Treasury) approval for our California Alternating Proprietor permit.
My husband, Leo, and I started a wine brand – Resign Wine, in 2015. We are based in Austin, TX – but source all our grapes, harvest, and bottle in Sonoma, CA. Our wine maker is also based there. Check out resignwine.com for more! ☺
Dropoff Paris at Summer Camp. She’s enrolled in a great little summertime program in the mornings. I love being a full-time Mom, and cherish that gift, but also recognize the need to socialize our daughter and get anything done personally and professionally.
Meet Leo for official fingerprinting for the CA ABC (California Alcohol and Beverage Commission) permit.
There is so much paperwork, red tape and patience required for gaining permits – National and state by state for a winery. Each state has a different tax, reporting and permitting structure. To ship direct-to-consumer (DTC) we have had to get permits in each state. To sell in an on-premise (restaurant or bar) or off-premise (wine shop, grocery store) we have had to find a distributor state-by-state to represent the brand, take ownership of the inventory and then sell to the client (restaurant, wine shop, etc.).
Quick pitstop at Whole Foods to restock the fridge and get food to cook dinner at home tonight.
Dive back into email for Resign Wine. Follow-up with our compliance services agency on timing with the CA ABC. Follow-up with our wine maker on our bottles for the upcoming Pinot Noir bottling. Setup new tastings with Austin on-premise restaurant owners, chefs, and Beverage Directors. Manage inventory – add new 2016-17 vintages and varietals to our website and update inventory management spreadsheet.
Make a few phone calls to vendors for Paris’s upcoming 4th birthday party. Princess Rapunzel, check. Face painting, check. Cake, dang that was a pricey quote. Need to find another option…
Take a 55 minute Pure Barre class. I go nutty if I don’t workout, even if it’s just a daily walk. At 36 weeks pregnant, I’m pretty proud of myself for staying strong throughout my 2nd pregnancy at 37 years-old.
Pickup Paris from Summer camp
Get Paris down for “quiet time”
Back “online” to emails and Resign Wine work:
Social: post to IG for “Motivation Monday” and search for new photos/inspiration.
Paris is upstairs and “doesn’t want to nap.” Take her back downstairs and try again for rest/quiet time.
Phone call with potential nanny to discuss hours, rates, additional compensation, etc. for working for our family. Baby boy is coming in 4 weeks!
Paris won’t stay in her bedroom. OK, “Super Why” (Netflix Kids show) it is…
Write formal offer letter, including terms for potential nanny.
Respond to any Resign Wine emails
Take Paris to the park.
Start dinner and feed Paris. “The dance”…cook, parent, catch up with Leo
Paris’s bedtime
Leo and I both return to our laptops and work.
Life stuff: Pay bills, manage rental home: taxes, monthly income
Resign Wine: invoices and accounting, follow-up on meetings for the week, arrange for deliveries, start monthly TABC (Texas Alcohol Bev Commission) report.
Bedtime and lights out.
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