We’ve seen the stats more than a dozen times, but it bears reminding that
nearly 1.1 million women dropped out of the workforce between February 2020 and March 2021. The rate of unemployment was even higher for women with children. In that same time period, there were almost
1.4 million fewer moms of school-aged children actively working than the prior year.
But there is promising news for the “returnship” to the workplace. At the end of the summer, social media feeds were flooded with back-to-school photos and bittersweet sentiments from parents both relieved and sad to see their kids hop on a school bus after so many days at home. Many companies have also embraced flexible work schedules with the option to work remote, easing the transition back to the office.
According to a survey of more than 1,800 people conducted by Syndio and The Female Quotient, 69% of parents with kids in the home said they are looking forward to returning to work, compared with 67% of people without kids at home. It’s easy to see why—being a Zoom parent and teacher proxy while also working remotely amid an ongoing pandemic and multiple lockdowns was no easy feat.
Even though women with children want to return to work, they are often challenged with virtual school and daycare closures, lack of childcare and increased child care needs. Here are a few ways companies can address the needs of working mothers in the aftermath of Covid:
Prioritize Flexible Work Environments
Flexibility not only applies to hours and scheduling, but also location.
Almost two-thirds (63.7%) of parents who intend to work after Covid said flexibility in where they work after Covid is more important than it was before, compared with 56.8% of people without kids at home. Parents should be able to participate in a Zoom call from the car while they are waiting in the carpool lane, or to set hours that align with their child’s school schedule. At the end of the day what matters most is getting it done, not when or where it gets done.
Offer Competitive Salaries for Remote Workers
More than 54% of women who left the workforce during the pandemic expect to be paid less upon returning to the workforce, while 45.9% of men expect to make less. For parents, almost one-third think they are likely to make less money than they did before. According to McKinsey & Company, financial insecurity is one of the biggest
challenges that women in the workforce have faced throughout the pandemic. Companies can alleviate these struggles by offering the same salary for a position, regardless of geographical location and whether or not that position will remain remote. Performance reviews also need to be reexamined to ensure goals that were set before the pandemic are still attainable.
Invest in Caregiving Benefits
Childcare can no longer be seen as a personal issue but a business imperative. When we support working mothers and normalize companies investing in caregiving, we
all win. The positives are clear: helping employees reduce stress leads to higher retention and a more equitable workplace. Consider providing childcare subsidies as an employee benefit. California and Massachusetts are examples of states
where employers pay into a fund that workers can use for any type of caregiving that includes a child, spouse or elderly family member.
This article originally appeared on Forbes.