No, Guys Don't Need a 'National Men Make Dinner Day' to Want to Cook

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July 27, 2024 at 12:16AM UTC
Men Make Dinner Day is a holiday that some people choose to celebrate, though it's very controversial for obvious reasons. 
"National Men Make Dinner Day is observed annually on first Thursday in November," according to National Day Calendar. "This is the day for men to take charge in the kitchen and cook for their loved ones. Some men like to cook and do so on a regular basis. To those men, kudos to you! This day was created for the men who do not know their way around the kitchen and are not familiar with cooking appliances, as well as for the women in their lives who need a break." 
In fact, there's a whole site dedicated to Men Make Dinner Day. There are even rules for the holiday, too. 

When is Men Make Dinner Day?

Men Make Dinner Day takes place on the first Thursday in November every year. For the next seven years, here are the days on which Men Make Dinner Day falls:
  • Monday, 2019
  • Wednesday, 2020
  • Thursday, 2021
  • Friday, 2022
  • Saturday, 2023
  • Monday, 2024
  • Tuesday, 2025

What is the history of Men Make Dinner Day?

Sandy Sharkey was responsible for creating Men Make Dinner Day. She was determined to show men who don't cook that they could enjoy themselves in the kitchen, too. And she hoped that it'd help to divide household chores more equally. But there's since been a lot of controversy surrounding the day.

What is the controversy around Men Make Dinner Day?

National Men Make Dinner Day is controversial for obvious reasons.

  • Some households don't have men.
  • Some households have two men.
  • Many men cook, and this holiday makes a mass generalization that stereotypes an entire gender.
  • Many women prefer to cook because they enjoy it, and they don't want to be cooked for.
  • Making a holiday out of men cooking makes it seem as though they only have to split chores on this one special day because, you know, cooking is a woman's job. After all, a woman's place is in the kitchen, right?
  • The rules behind Men Make Dinner Day presume that all men do is sit around and watch TV, which, of course, is another vast generalization and stereotype of an entire gender.
  • Men Maker Dinner Day arguably perpetuates gender roles in the home.

What are 3 ways to celebrate Men Make Dinner Day?

There are ways to celebrate Men Make Dinner Day that both involve and don't involve the man making dinner alone. Here are three of your options.

1. Share a homecooked meal.

If the man in your house (if there is an identifying man in your house) wants to make dinner on Men Make Dinner Day, or ever, perhaps he should make dinner. Sharing a homecooked meal, after all, is always nice.

2. Take a cooking class to learn a new dish.

Taking a cooking class together can be a fun way to learn a new dish that you can later cook together!

3. Order takeout.

If you hate the idea of Men Make Dinner Day, recognize it by intentionally not celebrating it. Order takeout and have a lazy night in instead!

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AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreportand Facebook.

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