Nominate an FGB Gender Equality Superhero in 2019

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July 27, 2024 at 12:47AM UTC

Fairygodboss is putting together a list of individuals who made an impact  in 2019 — but not just any impact. We’re identifying the top game changers, movers and shakers, and influential leaders who led the charge in advancing gender equality at their companies this year.

To be nominated, these individuals must have actively changed something at their place of work (or in the workforce at large) that helped advance the gender equality movement in the year 2019. To submit a nomination, please complete the form linked to below — only nominations submitted this way will be considered. Self-nominations are also welcome! 

Nominate an FGB Gender Equality Superhero

Nominees will be graded according to a rubric system (see below), and Fairygodboss will choose the top 19 individuals to feature as this year's Gender Equality Superheroes. 


  • 1 point = Individual has done something that meets expectations for trying to advance gender equality in the workplace
  • 2 points = Individual has done something that meets expectations for advancing gender equality in the workplace
  • 3 points = Individual has done something that exceeds expectations for advancing gender equality in the workplace
  • 4 points = Individual has done something that exceeds expectations for advancing gender equality in the workplace and has also worked to improve diversity and inclusion overall
  • 5 points = Individual has made a major change in the workforce or in their organization that completely revamps the way their company approaches gender equality, diversity and inclusion
  • 1 point = Individual and/or their company have previously showcased their commitment to advancing gender equality in the workforce
  • 2 points =  Individual and/or their company currently partners with FGB, showcasing their commitment to advancing gender equality in the workplace

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