Behind every successful woman, as the saying goes, is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.
It’s true. Women’s success is multiplied when they have a group of women behind them who are willing to support, mentor, and promote them in and outside of the office. But where can you find a group of women who want to see you succeed — who want to invest in your professional and personal growth, especially in an industry like finance? A strong women’s employee resource group is a great place to start.
Fidelity Investments’ Women’s Leadership Group (WLG) is the definition of women supporting women in all aspects of navigating the workplace. The group houses various committees around specific initiatives such as career advancement, allyship, and internal and external engagement. WLG members can get involved in at least two opportunities each month, ranging from coffee dates that foster connections to TED-style talks and guest speakers.
WLG also focuses on how women can add unique value to Fidelity and support the company’s business and marketing objectives — which in turn gives more women the opportunity to rise to leadership positions.
Recently, the group collaborated with Fidelity’s Personal Investing group to focus on the growing prominence of women investors. And when Fidelity launched a new fund that seeks to identify high-performing companies that prioritize and advance women’s leadership and development, WLG raised awareness across the company about the importance of gender diversity in investing.
“This group is affecting positive change on a company level,” Arlene, Vice President of External Communications at Fidelity Investments, said of the WLG. “There’s power in numbers, and the collective voice and actions of women are making a meaningful impact on Fidelity’s HR and business strategies.”
She notes that on top of providing a supportive environment and tangible business development, the many WLG committees provide the perfect opportunity for women to flex their leadership skills within the organization.
“There’s value in gaining and exercising leadership, negotiation, presentation or communication skills by serving on or leading a committee that differs from one’s daily job responsibilities,” she said. “For example, when a member has a new idea for an event or program, she prepares and presents a proposal to the steering committee.”
Personally, Arlene says she’s found the opportunity for impact provided by her involvement with Fidelity’s WLG deeply fulfilling.
“I’m very passionate about the personal and professional development of others, and I have found that participating in employee resource groups gives me an opportunity to have an impact on a broad scale,” she said. “I encourage all employees to get involved in an employee resource group that resonates with them personally, and if your company doesn’t have one, then start one. Employee resource groups are both personally and professionally rewarding.”
These kinds of networks, Arlene added, are also a great space in which to foster allyship. One of the WLG’s main priorities right now is engaging male allies across Fidelity’s employee resource groups, and ensuring everyone is part of creating an innovative, supportive environment.
If you’re looking for that tribe of supportive people who want you (and the business) to succeed, you can find it at Fidelity.
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