Today, we consider feminism to be the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. We write about it online, talk about it with our colleagues and, thanks to Beyoncé, even sing about it in songs.
But our modern conception feminism was made possible through a long history that was full of important characters in literature, politics, business and more. There are so many influential women who dedicated their lives to this movement that they can’t all fit in one quiz. So, we chose 11 iconic women from different walks of life who every feminist should know.
How many can you name?
1. This author is best known for her book, “The Feminine Mystique,” which is thought to have sparked second-wave feminism. She founded the National Organization for Women.
2. In 1851, this abolitionist and women’s rights activist gave a speech in Akron, Ohio that became a staple of feminist philosophy: “Ain’t I a Woman.”
3. This author’s feminist poetry shed light on the concept of intersectionality by lifting the voices she referred to as “the mythical norm.”
4. This author’s 1969 autobiography "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings” changed the face of feminist literature.
5. This Mexican feminist painter is known for her self-portraits and surrealism.
6. The first African American woman to be the U.S. Secretary of State.
7. A member of the U.S. Communist Party and the Black Panthers, this author’s books Women, Race & Class and Women, Culture & Politics shed a new light on intersectional feminism.
8. This abolitionist and women’s rights activist was the first African American woman on record to publicly lecture on women’s rights.
9. This poet, who’s debut collection Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth expertly captures experiences of displacement and trauma, was named London’s first Young Poet Laureate.
10. This famous group of radical feminist artists wore gorilla masks when they were out in public. Their motto is “reinventing the ‘F’ word: feminism.”
11. The first black woman CEO to ever head a Fortune 500 company.