LinkedIn Fatigue Is Real — 3 Reasons Why It’s Stopped Working for People

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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
Updated: 11/8/2019
We're all about utilizing LinkedIn to network with other professionals, find and apply to job opportunities and source valuable career advice. Your LinkedIn profile can go a long way in helping you to establish and advance your career. 
But LinkedIn Fatigue is real, as evident by these FGBers who've experienced it themselves.
An anonymous FGBer took to the community board to talk about LinkedIn Fatigue, and why she feels like it's a tough platform for women looking for actual career help — as opposed to people tooting their own horns.
"Is it me or is anyone out there tired of LinkedIn?" she asks. "I like it because you can connect with recruiters and potential employers, but there are so many people out there trying to 'brand' themselves or call themselves 'influencers.' One guy considers himself a pro, but he's a copy salesman with a lack of education — not to be snooty, but he's not accomplished if you check out his history. I rarely see any women and, when I do, she too doesn't have a stellar background for me to go, yes, I want to read what she has to say. I am probably coming off so horrible right now, but I am tired of seeing LinkedIn used as a brag session instead of helping job seekers and those seeking guidance with their careers. Instead it's 'LOOK AT ME!!!'"
FGBers are chiming in with their own experiences using LinkedIn.

1. There's too much noise.            

"I have been on LinkedIn looking for a job but there is so much noise that I haven't found anything either meaningful or helpful, and I am STILL looking for a permanent position," says Tracie Leland. "It feels like a huge waste of time."

2. It feels like a necessary evil.

"LinkedIn feels more like a necessary evil instead of a network-platform (which is their initial mission) to grow your career," says barb_hansen. "LinkedIn is (perhaps was) 'great' for keeping in touch with (and quietly staking) ex-colleagues, and looking for a new job (as mentioned above — not having a LinkedIn profile these days can make it impossible to get a job in the business/tech space)."

3. It feels like being pressured into an abyss.

"So tired of it, and I feel pressured sometimes because I am a relatively new biz owner," says Allison Roberts. "I know it works wonderfully for some people, but I haven't found it to be particularly helpful for my business. I often feel like I'm posting something into the abyss and I get tired of the 'look at me!' mentality. I know we have to put ourselves out there, but it's exhausting!"
That said, many FGBers do note the value in using platforms like LinkedIn, but they stress the need to understand how to make the most of them.
"I think it's helpful for staying connected to former colleagues and seeing who to ask for introductions, things like that, but the recent push toward connecting with people you haven't really worked with (or never even met) is getting annoying and messing with its value," says Amanda Honigfort.
"I have had the best experience with LinkedIn and with connections when I have used InMail with specific questions or requests; 'Can you connect me to Y person at X company' has worked well," says Stephanie Koehler. "However, the personal branding scene is nonsense to me and I don't connect with those types of posts. And I agree, it seems to be a male-dominated content stream."
"I was starting to feel that way about LinkedIn but then I started going through my connections to get find those people with quality information that I know that could help me extend my network," says an anonymous FGBer. "Since I stuck with LinkedIn I have interviews with Ralph Lauren, Rent the Runway, and Horizon Media.  You just have to learn how to use LinkedIn to your best advantage."
"I've always gotten lost in the format and purpose of LinkedIn personally," says an anonymous FGBer. "It's really overwhelming and I much prefer sites where community is created."
Of course, FGBers come to Fairygodboss for just that — to find that coveted career resources and advice by and for women in a community-based setting.                                                                                                                                                                                      

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AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreport and Facebook.

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