Someone Quit Their Job By Sending Their Boss a 'Sorry For Your Loss' Card, And Twitter Is Loving It

Coworkers applauding


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Updated: 6/28/2019
Many of us, at some point in our careers, have had a quitting-our-jobs fantasy. Maybe your fantasy involved telling that toxic boss what's what, or perhaps you saw yourself leaving the office with a literal marching band in tow.
While most of these visions only play out (over and over...) in our heads, one U.K. man recently brought his resignation fantasy to life recently.  When putting in his two weeks notice at work, Sam Baines, 22, sent his boss a condolence card — and folks on Twitter are loving him for it. 
The front of the card reads "So very sorry for your loss," while the inside has the words "my last day at work is the 28th (of) July" above the message "thinking of you during this difficult time." Touching, indeed. 
Despite appearances suggesting otherwise, Baines told Insider he actually adores his boss and team members, and that the card was meant mostly in jest.
"We are a really close team and have a fantastic manager, so we're always joking around and having fun. I knew I had to do something a little more creative when giving my notice to try and get one more joke in before I left," he said. "I knew my boss would find it funny, so I wasn't worried about how they'd take it... It went down great and helped make a positive from an otherwise sad situation."
Apparently, Baines isn't the only one to have thought of this tactic. After one of his coworkers tweeted out an image of the card —which quickly went viral — another Twitter user responded with a similar image, down to the very same card. 


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