The 40 Best STEM Jobs

woman looking at brain scans

Rocket Clips / Adobe Stock

Laura Berlinsky-Schine
Laura Berlinsky-Schine
Updated: 7/12/2021

You’ve probably heard of STEM. You may know that the acronym stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. You may have also heard that there’s a focus on expanding STEM careers and opportunities.

But why exactly is STEM so important—and what can a career in a STEM industry offer?

What is STEM?

Collectively, the term STEM encompasses a wide range of disciplines and occupations, from medicine to computer programming, that often has a great impact on society as a whole.

STEM professionals are tasked with finding solutions for some of the most challenging problems their communities face and must be able to think innovatively to tackle them. However, despite the need for STEM professionals, many people overlook these fields when choosing their professions.

Because skills in these areas are so important for the workforce, there is an emphasis on cultivating them in students early on. There has also been encouragement from the government to expand opportunities for STEM education and employment. For example, President Obama’s administration prioritized STEM education through measures like the Educate to Innovate Initiative, which sought to bring American students “from the middle to the top of the pack” in science and math achievement.

What is a STEM career?

A STEM career focuses on a particular area of STEM, such as finance or mathematics. STEM careers are in high demand and are often well-paid.

What is STEM employment?

STEM professionals are employed at a range of sites and locations. For instance, researchers often work in laboratories or perform field work in their areas of focus. Software engineers may work in the businesses that employ them. Clinicians, meanwhile, tend to work in hospitals, clinics, and other medical settings.

Some STEM professionals work for businesses or other employers, while others can be self-employed.

What jobs are in the STEM field?

There are literally hundreds of jobs in STEM. From web developer to surgeon, aerospace engineer to architect, the field encompasses an enormous range of careers and specialties.

Some of the top industries that fall within STEM include:

• Accounting

• Aerospace

• Architecture

• Biology

• Computer software

• Energy

• Engineering

• Environmental science

• Information technology

• Investing

• Mathematics

• Medical science

• Physics

• and many, many others

Many people choose to major in an area related to their intended career path as undergraduates, although this isn’t always necessary. For professions that require graduate school, such as psychology, an undergraduate major in the field is often not required, though students may need to complete some prerequisites before beginning their programs.

See below for our list of the top STEM jobs.

What is the highest paying stem job?

Most STEM jobs pay well. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 92 of 100 STEM occupations offered salaries above the national average as of 2015.

Entry-level professionals can expect to earn more depending on their level of education (some jobs may offer a higher salary to candidates with graduate degrees), experience, location, and other factors. Professionals who pursue niche fields or particular specialties such as petroleum engineering, the highest-paid STEM job on average ($149,590 annually according to the BLS), can sometimes have higher earning potential than those who pursue more saturated industries.

Why jobs in this field offer career advancement

With new innovations and discoveries every day, STEM offers plenty of opportunities for career growth. STEM is also a rapidly growing field. According to the BLS, job growth for STEM occupations between 2009 and 2015 was 10.5 percent, compared with a 5.2 percent growth in other industries.

During the same period, more than 800,000 STEM jobs were added to the employment economy. That means that people with STEM skills have opportunities beyond advancing in their current careers; they can also explore new paths that require similar skill sets.

Women in STEM advantages

The Economics & Statistics Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce reports that women held 47 percent of all U.S. jobs in 2015 but just 24 percent of STEM occupations. The ESA also notes that women with STEM jobs earned 35 percent more on average than women in non-STEM jobs and have a smaller gender wage gap compared with non-STEM jobs.

Education and awareness about opportunities for women in STEM is important not only for women’s personal growth in the fields but also because their perspectives are necessary for advancements and creativity in STEM.

Because women are underrepresented and may face challenges in male-dominated fields, there are many societies, organizations, and scholarships dedicated to the advancement of women in STEM, such as the Society of Women Engineers, the Women Chemists Committee, and Girls Who Code.

Where to find STEM jobs

As with most occupations, people find STEM jobs through a combination of networking, responding to job listings, such as the ones on Fairygodboss on job search websites, browsing company websites, and other routes. Some job boards specifically target STEM niches, but in most cases you can use any job board and search for careers within the STEM umbrella. 

Think outside the boxes when looking for your STEM job. For instance, many startups, even those that aren’t technology related, need software developers and computer programmings, and plenty of established organizations require IT professionals.

Some niches may offer fewer location opportunities than others, but most offer some flexibility regarding where you can work. Some mathematicians may work in government roles, for instance, while others work at businesses and engineering facilities or in academia.

The best STEM jobs

STEM offers many opportunities. Below are some of the top STEM jobs in alphabetical order.

1. Accountant

Salary: $69,350*

Accountants work with financial records and assess financial operations to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

2. Actuary

Salary: $101,550

Actuaries assess financial risks for businesses such as insurance companies and individuals.

3. Aerospace engineer

Salary: $113, 030

Aerospace engineers design and test aircraft, satellites, spacecraft, and missiles.

4. Agricultural and food scientist

Salary: $62,910

Through experiments and other data-compilation methods, agricultural and food scientists research the safety and efficiency of food production and crops.

5. Applied mathematician or statistician

Salary: $84,760

Applied mathematicians and statisticians both use mathematical theories, methods, and techniques and numerical data to help businesses and other industries solve problems.

6. Astronomer or physicist

Salary: $117,220

Sometimes performing experiments, physicists and astronomers study physical phenomena such as the ways matter and energy are made and interact or the nature of the universe.

7. Biochemist

Salary: $91,190

Biochemists study the chemistry of living creatures. Often, they apply this knowledge to develop medicines and vaccines.

8. Biomedical engineer

Salary: $88,040

Combining the medical sciences with engineering, biomedical engineers design systems and machines for the healthcare industry.

9. Cartographer

Salary: $63,990

Cartographers gather, verify, and interpret geographic information to create maps.

10. Chemical engineer

Salary: $102,160

Working in a wide variety of industries and settings, chemical engineers improve methods and techniques in areas such as food production and chemical processes.

11. Civil engineer

Salary: $102,160

Civil engineers maintain and adapt infrastructure projects and systems such as roads, buildings, bridges, and other structures.

12. Computer support or information technology specialist

Salary: $52,810

Often working with businesses and organizations, computer support or IT specialists provide technical assistance and advice to computer users within the organization.

13. Computer network architect

Salary: $104,650

Computer network create data communication networks to meet the needs of the business for which they work.

14. Computer systems analyst

Salary: $88,270

System analysts develop solutions to help organizations perform their procedures more efficiently.

15. Database administrator

Salary: $87,020

Database administrators secure, store, and organize sensitive data for their organizations.

16. Economist

Salary: $102,490

Through research and analysis of data and trends, economists study how societies use resources and produce goods and services.

17. Electrical engineer

Salary: $97,970

Electrical engineers work with the design and production of electrical equipment.

18. Environmental engineer

Salary: $86,800

Using knowledge of several disciplines, environmental engineers develop solutions to environmental issues such as water and air pollution.

19. Financial advisor

Salary: $90,640

Financial advisors work with individuals to help them make decisions about their financial needs, such as planning and investments.

20. Financial analyst

Salary: $84,300

Analysts look at the performance of investments and offer guidance to businesses and individuals on making financial decisions based on their data.

21. Financial manager

Salay: $125,080

Financial managers develop strategies to help organizations meet their financial goals and analyze their financial activities.

22. Genetic counselor

Salary: $77,480

Genetic counselors advise individuals on their risk of inheriting or passing on medical conditions such as genetic disorders.

23. Geologist

Salary: $89,850

Also known as geoscientists, geologists study the composition, processes, and structure of the Earth to learn about its physical makeup and history and predict how events and circumstances might impact it in the future.

24. Industrial engineer

Salary: $85,880

Industrial engineers develop systems to improve the efficiency of and eliminate waste in production processes.

25. Information security analyst

Salary: $95,510

Protecting organizations against threats such as cyber attacks, information security analysts improve security measures in their businesses’ computer systems.

26. Management analyst

Salary: $82,450

Also known as management consultants, management analysts look for ways to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness within organizations.

27. Marine engineer

Salary: $90,970

Marine engineers design and create ships and systems within them.

28. Materials scientist

Salary: $99,930

Materials scientists research the composition and structure of materials, searching for new uses and ways to develop them further.

29. Mechanical engineer

Salary: $85,880

Mechanical engineers design, create, and test machines and other tools used in facilities.

30. Medical and health services manager

Salary: $98,350

These healthcare executives work with health services, managing personnel and facilities and implementing measures to ensure they are complying with medical laws and regulations.

31. Medical scientist

Salary: $82,090

Medical scientists conduct research such as performing clinical trials to improve human health.

32. Operations research analyst

Salary: $81,390

Operations research analysts help organizations solve problems based on analytical methods.

33. Petroleum engineer

Salary: $132,280

Petroleum engineers create and implement ways to extract oil and gas from the Earth.

34. Physician

Salary: $208,000

Often specializing in certain health areas, such as gynecology, physicians diagnose and treat illnesses as well as help patients maintain and improve their health.

35. Psychologist

Salary: $77,030

Psychologists work with or research mental health. Clinical psychologists treat patients.

36. Software developer

Salary: $103,560

Software developers create applications, programs, and systems for computers and other devices.

37. Web developer

Salary: $67,990

Web developers design, build, and maintain websites.

38. Nurse practitioner

Salary: $117,670

Nurse practitioners are registered nurses who have earned additional credentials that allow them to perform additional responsibilities, including prescribing medications and conducting exams.

39. Forensic scientist

Salary: $58,100 (PayScale)

An exciting, fast-paced career, forensic science involves collecting and analyzing evidence from crime scenes. As a forensic scientist, you'll play a critical role in landing convictions.

40. Epidemiologist

Salary: $74,560
Here's a job that's become very well known lately, given the pandemic. Epidemiologists research medical diseases, illnesses and conditions. These important professionals are always in demand, and they've been playing a vital role in combatting COVID-19.
*Salaries are national averages according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics unless otherwise specified.

STEM careers: next steps

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in STEM, start by researching what kind of education you need. Some STEM jobs don’t even require a bachelor’s degree—you may just need to take some courses, such as a coding bootcamp, to learn the basics—while you may need to earn a doctorate for others.

You’ll also want to investigate the earning potential in your field and consider your personal needs.

STEM careers are booming, and there are many industries and niches to explore. Want to find STEM jobs in your specialty? Explore our job listings and learn more about companies employing STEM professionals.

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