The 4 Spring Staples Every Professional Needs in Her Wardrobe

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Samantha Smoak17
Updated: 2/21/2019
The days are getting longer and warmer, meaning we can all pack away our boots and scarves for a few months. Even better, the change of seasons also means a chance to stock your wardrobe with a few new items for the office. 
You should feel free to experiment and show your personality through your style. But when choosing outfits for work, there are two things to always keep in mind: 

1. Layer, layer, layer. 

It might be cool in the mornings and evenings and warmer in the afternoons, so layer accordingly. Follow this tip and you’ll also be prepared for any amount for air conditioning (or heat) blasting in the office. 

2. Save the ultra-casual pieces (like flip flops or miniskirts) for the weekend. 

These pieces are too casual for any office. And consult your company handbook or talk to HR if you have questions about clothing guidelines. 
With these rules in mind, check out the four staples you should stock your closet with this spring. 

1. Colored Jeans and dress pants.

Transition those lightweight long- and three-quarter-sleeve shirts from winter to spring by adding pop of color. Colored bottoms add a lighter look (and feel, depending on the fabric) to your outfit. You can also play with length and opt for the full, ankle or cropped variety. Plus, they’re just plain fun!

2. A new pair of sandals, flats or wedges.

You can show off that new pedicure (without wearing flip flops) by investing in a good pair of sandals or wedges (or both!). And depending on where you live, your open-toed shoes can transition into fall when paired with pants and a long-sleeve shirt or jacket. 

3. Lightweight blazers and sweaters.

The temperatures outside are warming up, which means the air conditioning in the office is kicking on full blast. Not only will lightweight jackets, blazers and sweaters easily transition your outfits from season to season, they’ll keep you comfortable in cool office environments.

4. Dresses and skirts.

And, of course, springtime means you can break out those cute skirts and dresses, and pair them with those new sandals or wedges, lightweight jackets and even a fun tight of legging (depending on how casual your office is). These let you transition from the office to happy hour with minimal effort while looking super cute.

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Samantha Smoak is a journalist turned tech PR pro based in Nashville, Tennessee. For dog pictures and sports jokes, follower her on Twitter and Instagram @samanthaksmoak.

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