The 5 People You Need to Network With Internally When You Join a New Team

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Marcus Aurelius/Yan Krukov from Pexels

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Claire Larzen Tello282
Senior Manager for Analytics and Insights
Updated: 2/19/2022

Companies, job seekers and the media agree: right now, it’s a job seeker’s market. 

It’s a time for new responsibilities, a new team and a new role — at a place you love.

Sounds super exciting, isn’t it? A new desk if you are one of those required to work in the office. For most of us working remotely, new tools. Nothing beats the feeling of opening the box of your new laptop with the latest specs — well, at least that’s how nerdy people like me feel.  

Along with every job comes the dilemma of new teammates. The feeling of being the new kid at the playground once again. You are nervous, yet excited. You want to prove your worth and blend in with the cool kids. Or in the context of the corporate jungle, you are hungry to show them what you got. You want to prove that you belong to this new organization you worked so hard to impress just to secure that job offer.  

Finally, your first day at your new job comes. You’ve mastered your work from home makeup and you’re wearing a top that looks cool yet professional. You are in the zone.  

But how do you maximize networking when you join a new team?  

How do you convince the playground that you’re a cool kid when it’s harder to do so in the virtual space?   

1. Show initiative by adding them on LinkedIn.  

Before your big first day, you went through a series of interviews. So, here’s a pro tip — which you can use as an applicant, too. Add your interviewers and all the people you have come across in your application process on LinkedIn. It shows them that you’re very interested in the role and that you’re excited to join them. Also, it helps you in the playground if you have a little insight into your future work buddies’ backgrounds. Basically, do your research and start networking as soon as you can. LinkedIn and other professional networking platforms like Fairygodboss should always be your go-to.  

2. Find your awesome five.  

In your first month at work, build rapport with these five awesome people. 

  • One, your immediate superior. 
  • Two, a newbie who can relate to your anxiously excited state. 
  • Three, a friend or colleague you haven’t spoken to in a while, but you found them in the organization’s directory. Since you already know them, you will have someone to reach out to when you want to discuss work-life balance. 
  • Four, a person who does similar or related work who’s been in the organization for more than three years. They will be your guiding hand as you learn and grow. 
  • Five, someone who shares a non-work-related hobby of yours. This person will introduce you to interest clubs, so you’ll meet more people from various teams. 

3. Say yes to gatherings.  

Virtual happy hours. Karaoke nights. Bingo nights. If it’s a social event, whether it’s virtual or in-person,  just say yes. Nothing beats interactions with new people outside of the work grind. Everyone will be more laid back and they’ll be open to sharing their personality during fun activities. Also, it shows them that you’re willing to participate in the little traditions they established.  

4. Volunteer for show and tell.

Since you want to impress your new colleagues, volunteer for something. Whether it’s to perform during corporate parties or to showcase a technical skill that you can teach others, share what you know. In giving more of yourself, the more credibility you will build. After all, it is always a good idea to stand out right from the start.  

5. Notice a detail and make small talk.  

A relationship is a two-way process. One must start the interaction and the other will respond. In a  meeting, especially in a virtual one, look at the fun backgrounds your colleagues have. If they have an animated theme or if it’s at a beach setting, strike up a conversation while waiting for the rest. Break the ice by saying something witty or maybe ask a question about their last beach trip. Once the initial awkwardness is gone, introduce yourself and let them know that you are eager to collaborate and learn as you go along. It is impressive when a new member of the team doesn’t wait for the tenured ones to reach out. It shows passion and eagerness to contribute, a big plus point in establishing yourself as a part  of the organization.  

Just like a new kid in school, being at a new job can be daunting. By putting yourself out there and following these five tips, it can help you establish connections with the people you’ll be spending at least eight hours of your weekdays. So, break that proverbial ice and be willing to build your network.  Remember, a happy team equals better performance. 

This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

What’s your no. 1 piece of advice for networking when you start a new job? Share your answer in the comments to help other Fairygodboss members!

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