The 6 Personality Types That Never Get Promoted

Employee throwing a temper tantrum


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Taylor Tobin1.84k
Updated: 9/28/2020

In an ideal world, our promotion potential would have less to do with our personalities and more to do with our objective work performances. However, human nature makes that a somewhat unrealistic goal. Certain personality types tend to receive better work opportunities than others...and these 5 frequently find themselves overlooked when advancement possibilities arise.

1. The Chatty Cathy

Of course, strong communicators frequently receive positive attention from their supervisors. However, if your definition of “good communication” involves spreading rumors and spending your free time gossiping with coworkers, that attitude won’t present you as a desirable candidate for increased responsibility (and increased pay). 

2. The Doormat

While effective employees seek to accommodate requests from their managers whenever feasible, pushovers who take on more than they can handle and who fail to speak up when they’re overwhelmed don’t appear especially professional to company decision-makers. 

3. The Negative Nancy

Employees who constantly reject their colleagues’ suggestions, who complain on a regular basis without seeking to improve their situations, and who rarely have a positive word for anyone or anything in the office aren’t likely to earn the high opinions of their managers, which makes promotions rather unlikely.

4. The Damsel In Distress

An important part of being a good “team player” involves taking responsibility for your mistakes and viewing your weaknesses through a realistic lens. If you present yourself as a constant victim, always blaming others for missed deadlines or sub-standard work performance, you’ll have a hard time winning the trust of your colleagues (and, by extension, of your supervisor). 

5. The Rage Monster

Temper tantrums really aren’t acceptable courses of action from anyone over the age of five...but some employees fail to realize this truth, instead opting to unleash their anger on their innocent coworkers. Managers with serious temper problems create a culture of fear, which typically proves toxic and doesn’t yield optimal results. 

6. The Know-It-All

Employers certainly seek out knowledgeable workers with an interest in learning and sharing information. However, if you find yourself regularly correcting coworkers unsolicited, insisting that your ideas and strategies are far more enlightened than those of your colleagues (without any direct evidence to back up that belief), and generally making it obvious that you consider yourself the smartest person in the room, you’re likely to alienate both your direct coworkers and your supervisors, weakening your status when the time comes to award promotions. 

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