This is How to Respond When The Terms of Your Job Offer Change (After You've Signed On)

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Punya Sandhu301
10 yrs in Big4 Consulting, Founder - BYONDGOOD
Updated: 8/25/2021

An FGB'er recently said yes to a full-time role that she is very interested in and gets her back in the game. She was initially told the position would be remote (which made up for the comp). 

After the offer was made, she heard that the team was back in the office. And after she accepted, the recruiter who placed her suggested this was an in-office position!

The office is more than an hour’s drive away. So, she asked the recruiter if working from home is still an option and was advised to speak with the hiring manager.

Bait and switch? Maybe. But no matter the cause of a mix up like this, you need to find a way to manage it. Here’s what our community had to say:

Review your contract.

Many FGB'ers advised looking through the contract and reviewing if it specifically states a ‘remote’ position. 

“What does your offer letter say?  It’s pretty easy if the offer is for a remote role….  If not, then you’ll have to decide at the trade-off is worth it. “

Consider your needs.

Others suggested looking at the bigger picture and evaluating the professional growth from the position vs. the inconvenience of a role that doesn't meet your other needs.

“Do you want this job for your own personal career growth? You mentioned that you need to get back into the game. If that is really true, then you might consider going into the office and at least giving this a try for six months to one year. That way, you'll have a little more grit on your resume and can work toward your professional goals.”

FGB VIP Faith Saunders advised digging deeper to identify the true driver for job fulfillment.

“Identify what you want out of the job, besides the paycheck. In other words, what else do you need to feel fulfilled in a job? Doing this exercise will not only help you to gain clarity but will also help you to better market yourself.”

Look out for red flags.

Some FGB'ers saw warning signs in the recruiter’s behavior.

“I just left a company after a month with the same sort of red flags. Trust your instinct. I would explain this was part of the reason you took the position.“

Be upfront and have boundaries.

Several suggested taking up this issue with the hiring manager before starting the new role.

“I think taking this up with the hiring manager is smart advice.  It's easy enough to say that when you were being recruited for the role it was portrayed as a remote opportunity, now that seems to have changed.  Be upfront about your needs…”

If you still want to take the job, use creative problem-solving.

If the upside of taking the job — with or without sign off on your needs by the hiring manager — overtakes the downside, you can get creative with how to meet your needs in another way. On this post, some FGB'ers had very creative approaches to meeting the demands of work while juggling a 65-minute drive into the office AND having school-aged kids at home.

Whatever path you choose to take, ultimately, it is about what matters the most to you, balancing the trade-offs and making a decision with no regrets. 

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