This Reminder That We Can't Be 'All the Moms' is JUST What a Working Mother Needs

Mother playing with her child

Nicole Sheinzok via Working Mother
Nicole Sheinzok via Working Mother
July 26, 2024 at 11:44PM UTC

Spoiler alert: we can't do everything.

From your in-laws' well-meaning advice to scary warnings posted on social media—there's plenty of pressure on moms to do more or change their parenting style. That's why one Facebook post—of a much more positive variety—went viral for encouraging moms not to feel pressured to fill too many roles.
Jordan Harrell, a blogger and mother of three from Sealy, TX, began her post by talking about the different types of moms and how they all have their strengths. “God created the crafty moms to inspire creativity,” she wrote. “He created the tidy moms to inspire comfort. He created the nurturing moms to inspire calm.”
However, there is one expectation that no mom should feel a need to live up to: “But He doesn’t expect us to be them all,” she wrote. "He didn’t create us to be them all. And so many of us are trying to be All the Moms.”
Jordan continued to explain that moms will see other families on social media and feel guilty.
“If you feel like you can’t be All the Moms … it’s probably because you’re not,” she wrote. “And (spoiler alert) none of us are. None of us can be without losing our ever-loving mind.”
That’s why instead of trying to be somebody that you’re not, moms should embrace themselves. “We’re all good at different things, passionate about different things, gifted in different areas,” she wrote.
Since being published, the post has been liked and shared over 1,000 times. In the comments, fellow moms thanked Jordan for the positive message.
“I'm literally like slow clapping this one in my living room—that makes it evident I'm not the tidy mom,” wrote Emily Millican. “So good. So true. So good to hear.”
“I think if we just surround ourselves with mamas that do SOME of these things well then we can all just hook each other up,” commented Stephanie Grigg Fletcher.
Jordan concluded her post with one last message about the type of mom you doneed to be.
“So stop trying to be All the Moms,” she wrote. “Because there’s only one mom your kids need. YOU.”

This article originally appeared on Working Mother.

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