Tiffany Haddish Just Demonstrated The Perfect Way to Recover From a Work Mistake

Tiffany Haddish

Tiffany Haddish. Public Domain

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Updated: 1/2/2019
Tiffany Haddish might be known for her comedy or her acting chops, but pretty soon she's going to be known as a career coach extraordinaire. On New Year's Eve, Haddish gave a less than stellar performance. But her bounce back was resolution-level aspirational.

Haddish's New Year's Eve screw-up happened in Miami, where she reportedly forgot her set and performed half-cracked jokes to a booing crowd. 

She allegedly joked about being up super late the night before, and was quoted saying "this is gonna be on TMZ or whatever." Then, she grabbed a bottle of vodka and joined the crowd. Imagine this was your next presentation. I'm stressed just thinking about it. 

But only the next day, she responded to the criticism she caught on Twitter in the perfect way. 

Everyone has made a professional mistake. And most people avoid owning up to them — or really even acknowledging them. But Tiffany earned everyone's respect when she came out of the gates the next morning claiming her mistakes and promising to do better in the future. 
"Yes this happened. I wish it was better Miami. I prayed on it and I have a strong feeling this will never happened again," she wrote in a tweet that quoted The Root's coverage of the event. 
As The Entrepreneur suggests, this tweet is the perfect example of fixing a work mistake in three simple steps: own up, vow to learn from it, then clearly move on. It seems like a fool-proof formula for tackling any professional failure. Just one note: maybe leave the bottle of vodka at home. 

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