21 Working Mom Quotes You'll Relate to Way Too Well


mother whispering in her daughter's ear


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Rachel Montañez84
I help you embrace a fulfilling career.
May 3, 2024 at 12:43AM UTC
Children bring their mothers much happiness and joy. They make our life brighter, sweeter, and more fun. They can also make us appreciate all the things we may have previously taken for granted: a hot shower, time alone on the toilet, and eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Whenever we have hiccups in our day, our children's laughter always makes things seem better. Remember the proverb, "Laughter is medicine for the soul." Neuroscientist Alex Korb says, “Your brain actually pays attention to what your body is doing, and it affects your emotions.”
Take out your smiles out for some fun and inspirational quotes about working mothers everywhere.

On Magical—and Elusive—Sleep

2. "I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of a permanently exhausted pigeon." — Author unknown
3. "I feel everything more deeply. Every action I take, I think of her first. That's a big change for me. That —and no sleep!" — Jenna Dewan-Tatum on her daughter, Everly
4. "You're my favorite reason to lose sleep." — Author unknown
5. "Should I sleep? Or should I shower? I could sleep in the shower but I'm also hungry." — BabyBumpApp.com
6. "Sleep is out for 2009. Tired is the new black." — Amy Poehler

Who Has Bags of Time as a Working Mother?

8. "If you think being a mom is a full-time job, try being a working mom."—someecards.com
9. "Kids make life the best kind of busy."—Renee D., Hallmark writer."
10. “I think every working mom probably feels the same thing: You go through big chunks of time where you’re just thinking, ‘This is impossible—oh, this is impossible.’ And then you just keep going and keep going, and you sort of do the impossible.”—Tina Fey
11. "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Blink, Monday."—Author unknown
12. "Are there really twenty-four hours in a day? Because it feels like there are only seven?"—Author unknown
13. "It's not difficult to take care of a child; it's difficult to do anything else while taking care of a child." — Julianne Moore
Work-life harmony
"The love for my kids is what gives me strength."—Author unknown
"The phrase, 'working mother,' is redundant."—Jane Sellman
"I’ve learned that every working woman is a superwoman."—Author unknown
"Someone said to me the other day, 'You look so nice today, what did you do?' I told her it was first time in weeks that I didn't put my make-up on in the car."—Working Mother
“Get rid of the guilt....When you're at one place, don't feel bad that you're not at work; when you're at work, don't feel bad that you're not at home." — Katie Couric
"It's not wrong to be passionate about your career. When you love what you do, you bring that stimulation back to your family." — Allison Pearson
“Knowing I've got this beautiful baby to go home to makes me feel like I don't have to play another match. I don't need the money or the titles or the prestige. I want them, but I don't need them. That's a different feeling for me." — Serena Williams
Which quote did you relate to the most? Remember these quotes when you're having a bad day; knowing that other mothers feel the same way can remind you that you're not in it alone. Find something about which you can laugh and smile. Laughter is a great cure. Don’t be hard on yourself; there is no perfect mother. Take comfort in the fact that you and other working mothers are in this together!
Rachel Montanez is a career coach and career development speaker. Check out her website here and connect on LinkedIn here.

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