You Can Fight Workplace Inequality — Here's How to Take Action Right Now

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Updated: 8/31/2020

August 26, 2020 — celebrated as Women’s Equality Day — is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting women the right to vote. 

Landmark signs of progress like the 19th Amendment are something to be celebrated. But as we’ve been reminded over the last few months by the timely and poignant Black Lives Matter movement, there’s still much work to be done. 

Although inequality remains in every sphere of our society, Fairygodboss was started in 2015 to improve the workplace through increased transparency. Right now, women of color make up 50% of the low-wage workforce. And at the current rate, Black women will have to wait until 2119 for equal pay, while Latina women will have to wait until 2224. That kind of disparity is simply not OK. 

We believe transparency about the inequalities we face in the workplace helps us to tackle them head on. 

We asked our partners to share what they think will move the needle towards true gender equality.

"We must push for equality of opportunity and equal pay. Creating workplaces where leaders act to eradicate biases and use the right behaviors and attitudes is key," Debra McCowan, Chief Human Resources Officer at NetApp said. "Fostering a culture of inclusion, support and sponsorship will lead to empowerment. Stay focused and commit!" 

Here's what else our partners had to say:

Your work to oppose inequality doesn’t have to stop there. 

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