Sælge formueforvaltningsydelser til velhavende privatpersoner.
Fokusere på at tiltrække nye kunder med likvide aktiver på mere end 3.275.000 kr.
Modtage støtte fra vores afdelinger og have en konstant tilgang af kundeemner, som genereres af Fisher og på baggrund af promovering af markedsføringsmateriale.
Få godt indblik i Fisher Investments' markedsfilosofi, som understøttes af kurser lige fra kurser om kapitalmarkeder til salgstræning.
Referere direkte til den administrerende direktør.
Dine kvalifikationer:
Konsekvent og kvantificerbar individuel salgssucces hos aktiemarkedsinvestorer.
Mindst 5 års erfaring med succes inden for salg til velhavende privatpersoner.
Kvantificerbare, gode resultater med at indgå aftaler med nye investorer.
Egenskaber hos de øverste sælgere:
Engageret tilgang til at definere og nå mål: "Penge er et mål for succes".
Tager afvejede risici, er villig til at vinde og tabe.
Optimistisk tilgang til dit arbejde. Betragter fejl som mulighed for forbedring og for at finde nye løsninger.
Indstillet på at holde et højt aktivitetsniveau, som opretholdes under modgang.
Evne til at kommunikere med en bred vifte af forskellige målgrupper på grund af dynamiske sociale kompetencer.
Højt etisk og fagligt niveau.
Hvorfor Fisher Investments Luxembourg, Sàrl:
Den globale Fisher-organisation har gjort det til en mærkesag at sætte kunderne først. Vi tilbyder derfor enestående service og tager en skræddersyet tilgang til investering. Du kan være forvisset om, at Fisher Investments og Fisher Investments Luxembourg, Sàrl afspejler vores kunders prioriteter ved at bruge en simpel og transparent gebyrstruktur og anerkendte europæiske depotbanker. Vi er stolte af at kunne tilbyde:
En yderst lukrativ lønpakke med ubegrænset indtægtsmulighed.
Service i verdensklasse med en kundefastholdelsesprocent på 99 %.
Transparent gebyrstruktur, der skaber overensstemmelse mellem selskabets interesser og kundens prioriteter.
Uddelegering af ansvar så du kan bruge al din tid på salg.
Mulighed for at arbejde hjemmefra på fuld tid.
The Opportunity:
As a Regional Sales Manager with Fisher Investments, you will call high-net-worth leads we provide, qualifying and scheduling face-to-face appointments. You will meet with prospective clients with the goal of gathering new clients and assets for our firm. This position is highly entrepreneurial and involves extensive calling (although no cold-calling) and direct consultative selling to close business. You will be supported by dedicated portfolio management and client service groups who manage the transition and retention of client relationships.
The Day-to-Day:
Work from your home as an independent contractor (tied agent) and focus totally on acquisition (no administrative or after-sale activities)
Sell to high net worth individuals
Focus on bringing on new private clients with liquid assets of more than 3,275,000 DKK
Receive support from our teams and have a constant flow of leads generated by Fisher and marketing materials
Cultivate an understanding of Fisher Investments market philosophy, supported by sessions ranging from Capital Markets to sales training
Report directly to the Managing Director
Your Qualifications:
Consistent and quantifiable individual sales success with stock market investors
5+ years of success selling to high net worth individuals
Quantifiable track record in closing new investor business
Traits of top salespeople:
Motivated mindset to set and reach goals: "money is a measure of success"
Calculated risk-taker; willing to win-some, lose some
Optimistic outlook; see failures as opportunities to improve and find solutions
High activity orientation and persistent through setbacks
Ability to connect with a wide array of audiences through dynamic interpersonal skills
Highly ethical and professional
Why Fisher Investments Luxembourg:
The global Fisher organisation distinguishes itself by putting clients first, providing unmatched service, and taking a personalised approach to investing. You can feel confident knowing that Fisher Investments and Fisher Investments Luxembourg align with our clients' priorities by using a simple and transparent fee structure and recognised European custodians. We pride ourselves on our:
Highly lucrative compensation structure with uncapped earning potential
First class service with a 99% client retention rate
Transparent fee structure that aligns firm interests with client priorities
Separation of job responsibilities so you can dedicate 100% of your time to sales
Full-time work from home opportunity