DI & CSV document of laboratory and execution system review (e.g. User Account Review, Backup & Restoration, Audit Trail Review, Archival and Retrieval, Periodic Review, Recipe Change Request)
Support Product Quality Complaint management
Product Quality Complaint field sample management including test request in case required
PQMS (Product Quality Management System) data monitoring
Back-up of PQC handling
Bachelor's degree or equivalent in relevant scientific/technical field.
Minimum 1 year of experience in a related field(Data Integrity)
Good communication & Facilitation skill w ith advanced level of the English/Korean
Understanding of applicable regulatory requirements, cGMP and industry standards or equivalent regulations, especially QA processes
Good working knowledge of MS-office
[ 지원 방법]
https://www.careers.jnj.com 접속 -> Position Number 2406228164W 검색 -> 해당 모집 공고의 "Apply Now" 클릭 후 온라인 지원 프로세스 진행
[ 제출 서류]
국문 혹은 영문 자유 양식의 이력서/ 자기소개서
[ 서류 마감일]
채용시 마감
[For more Johnson & Johnson]
J&J Linkedin: https://https://www.linkedin.com/company/johnson-&-johnson/
J&J Corporate Page: http://https://www.jobkorea.co.kr/Company/1605233/Info
[ 유의사항]
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