Material Surface Technology Engineer

Johnson & Johnson



Suzhou, China

Why you should apply for a job to Johnson & Johnson:

  • Ranked as one of the Best Companies for Women in 2020
  • 4.2/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.2/5 in supportive management
  • 71% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 88% would recommend this company to other women
  • 85% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Global parental leave for all new parents (maternal, paternal, adoptive or surrogacy-assisted).
  • Global exercise reimbursement.
  • Two weeks off (one of them fully paid) for volunteer work.
  • #2506239079W

    Position summary

    Job Category:
    All Job Posting Locations:
    Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
    Job Description:

    Lead new engineering project and delivery on schedule (领导新的工程项目,按时完成交付任务)
    • Plan, design, develop and implement engineering process. (计划,设计,发展和实施工程工艺过程)
    • Optimize and improve engineering process. (优化和完善工程工艺过程)
    • Lead all validation activities for owned engineering processes. (对负责的工程工艺过程进行验证)
    • Calculate current capacity, plan future capacity by forecast. (计划当前的生产能力,预测计划未来的生产能力)
    • Define equipment's configuration; introduce equipment by working with Purchasing, I/E, Facility, Maintenance, Quality; finish EVA and work instruction before handing it to Production. (定义设备的配置和参数,通过和采购,进出口,设备,维修,质量等部门一起介绍设备的类型和参数,在递交生产之前,完成设备确认和作业指导书)

    Draft research plan, carry out research as per plan, analyze data and draft research report. (起草研究计划,按计划进行研究,分析数据,起草研究报告)
    • Calculate, record, report capital investment and saving projects' financial data. (计算,记录以及汇报资本的投资以及节约的资金等财务数据)
    • Support and incorporate lean concept into special processes. (支持并将精益求精的理念融入到特殊工艺过程中)
    • Ensure all engineering process solutions meet all corporate and regulatory requirements for Quality, Health, Safety and Environment. (确保所有的工程工艺过程中的溶剂符合公司以及法律法规对质量,健康,安全和环境的要求)
    • Conduct root cause analysis on non-conformance, initiate and co-ordinate improvement plans. (调查不符合项的根本原因,发起和协调改进计划)
    • Support problem solving activities to ensure adherence to production schedules. (支持问题的解决并确保生产计划的进行)
    • Carry out such further tasks that may be delegated by line manager. (在项目经理的授权下,进行下一步的工作)

    Why you should apply for a job to Johnson & Johnson:

  • Ranked as one of the Best Companies for Women in 2020
  • 4.2/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.2/5 in supportive management
  • 71% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 88% would recommend this company to other women
  • 85% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Global parental leave for all new parents (maternal, paternal, adoptive or surrogacy-assisted).
  • Global exercise reimbursement.
  • Two weeks off (one of them fully paid) for volunteer work.