to elevate your game.
The mission of a Nike store Specialist is clear: deliver a premium in-store experience to our consumers. Along with balancing an associate's responsibilities, you're able to expertly handle complex situations with autonomy and poise.
In addition to shared leadership responsibilities, you will focus on one of five Areas of Expertise where you'll gain critical experiences that help propel you along your development journey.
Selling and Service: The center of all we do. Ensures a flawless consumer journey by providing encouragement, connection and product knowledge.
Team and Culture: Prioritizes teammates through hiring, developing, and retaining critical talent.
Operational Excellence: Fosters and maintains a safe, organized, and efficient workplace.
Visual Merchandising: Focuses on intentional storytelling while obsessing sport and style.
Digital: Enhances and grows the connection from online and offline services with in-store tools.
No matter the location or position, every Nike employee shares one unifying mission: To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete** in the world.
**If you have a body, you're an athlete
What You Bring to Nike...