Talent Sourcing Specialist - E-commerce - Japan(12 month Fixed-Term Contract)





Why you should apply for a job to TikTok:

  • 4.5/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.5/5 in supportive management
  • 100% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 100% would recommend this company to other women
  • 100% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Employee well-being is supported via hybrid work, short-term counseling through our EAP and a premium subscription to Headspace.
  • We embrace diversity across all dimensions and provide employees with 9 employee resource groups globally, including our WOMEN ERG.
  • Comprehensive parental leave policy as well as fertility treatment through healthcare providers with a $20,000 lifetime maximum.
  • #7430785743390247209

    Position summary

    age? Always.
    At TikTok, we create together and grow together. That's how we drive impact-for ourselves, our company, and the users we serve.
    Join us.

    「創造」はTikTokの中心となる価値観です。私たちのプラットフォームは想像力を広げるためのもので、これはイノベーションを可能にするチームにも共通することです。私たちは「創造性を刺激し、喜びをもたらす (inspire creativity and bring joy) 」をミッションとし、日々その達成を目指しています。先の見えない挑戦でも、私たちにとっては、学び、イノベーションを起こし、チーム一丸となって成長するチャンスです。TikTokでは、共に創造し、成長します。それが私たち自身、会社、そしてユーザーの皆さんにとって、インパクトをもたらす方法だからです。私たちと一緒に働きませんか。

    About the team
    Our Talent Acquisition team is at the forefront of scaling one of the fastest-growing startups globally. We need the brightest recruiting minds to match our rapidly expanding business needs while bringing the best and most diverse talent into the company.

    As a Talent Sourcer supporting our growing ecommerce team (12 months FTC) at TikTok, you will collaborate with recruiters and hiring managers to support our hiring efforts as we grow our organization. You will also serve as an advocate for our company by providing high-quality and welcoming interview experiences to each candidate. The ideal candidate will identify qualified candidates to ensure we have a great candidate pipeline for our roles.


    TikTokで成長中のeコマースチームをサポートするタレント・ソーサー (12ヶ月のFTC) として、リクルーターや採用マネージャーと協力し、組織の成長に伴う採用活動をサポートします。また、候補者一人ひとりに質の高い歓迎面接を提供することで、当社の支持者としての役割も担っていただきます。理想的な候補者は、当社の職務に最適な候補者パイプラインを確保するために、適格な候補者を特定します。


    • Interact with potential candidates on social media and professional networks (e.g. LinkedIn, and Github).
    • Maintains social media and professional networks to interact with potential candidates.
    • Coordinate with hiring managers and recruiters to determine position requirements.
    • Identify qualified candidate profiles using various sourcing techniques (e.g. Boolean search).
      -Develop talent pipelines for future hiring needs.
    • Support market research and talent mapping initiatives
    • Measure conversion rates, including numbers of passive candidates who turn into applicants, get invited to interviews, get offers and get hired.
    • Maintain candidate databases (e.g. via our Applicant Tracking System).


    • ソーシャルメディアやプロフェッショナルネットワーク (LinkedInやGithubなど) で潜在的な候補者と交流する。
    • 潜在的な候補者と交流するためにソーシャルメディアやプロフェッショナルネットワークを維持する。
    • 採用マネージャーやリクルーターと調整し、ポジションの要件を決定する。
    • 様々なソーシング手法 (ブール検索など) を用いて、優秀な候補者のプロファイルを特定する。
    • 市場調査や人材マッピングをサポート
    • 応募に至った受動的な候補者の数、面接に招待された数、内定を得た数、採用された数などのコンバージョン率を測定する。
    • 候補者データベース (応募者追跡システムなど) の管理


    Minimum Qualifications

    • Ability to contribute in a fast-paced work environment with the ability to prioritize multiple functions and tasks
    • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to build rapport quickly with employees, stakeholders, candidates, and communicate effectively at all levels of the organization


    • 複数の機能やタスクに優先順位をつける能力を持ち、ペースの速い職場環境で貢献できる能力
    • 従業員、利害関係者、候補者と迅速に信頼関係を築き、組織のあらゆるレベルで効果的にコミュニケーションを図ることができる対人能力の高さ

    Preferred Qualifications

    • 2+ years experience as a Talent Sourcer or similar role in a Tech industry
      (experience in ecommerce recruitment is a plus).
    • Hands-on experience with sourcing techniques (e.g. recruiting on social platforms and crafting Boolean search strings).
    • Familiarity with sourcing tools, HR systems (including an ATS) and candidate management systems.
    • Ability to positively present our company and open roles to potential candidates.
    • Strong communication skills, both verbal and written.


    • 2年以上のハイテク業界でのタレント・ソーサーまたは同様の職務経験
    • ソーシング技術 (ソーシャルプラットフォームでの採用活動やブール検索文字列の作成など) の実務経験。
    • ソーシングツール、人事システム (ATSを含む) 、候補者管理システムに精通していること。
    • 潜在的な候補者に対し、当社と募集職種を積極的に紹介できる方。
    • 口頭および書面でのコミュニケーション能力が高い方

    TikTok is committed to creating an inclusive space where employees are valued for their skills, experiences, and unique perspectives. Our platform connects people from across the globe and so does our workplace. At TikTok, our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. To achieve that goal, we are committed to celebrating our diverse voices and to creating an environment that reflects the many communities we reach. We are passionate about this and hope you are too.


    Why you should apply for a job to TikTok:

  • 4.5/5 in overall job satisfaction
  • 4.5/5 in supportive management
  • 100% say women are treated fairly and equally to men
  • 100% would recommend this company to other women
  • 100% say the CEO supports gender diversity
  • Ratings are based on anonymous reviews by Fairygodboss members.
  • Employee well-being is supported via hybrid work, short-term counseling through our EAP and a premium subscription to Headspace.
  • We embrace diversity across all dimensions and provide employees with 9 employee resource groups globally, including our WOMEN ERG.
  • Comprehensive parental leave policy as well as fertility treatment through healthcare providers with a $20,000 lifetime maximum.