3 Tips From a Senior Executive to Women Entering the Workforce

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Stacey Goodman and her daughter. Photo courtesy of  Prudential Financial.

Stacey Goodman and her daughter. Photo courtesy of Prudential Financial.

 Prudential Financial
Prudential Financial
July 27, 2024 at 12:49AM UTC

Stacey Goodman is Chief Information Officer at Prudential Financial, where she leads the Fortune 100 company’s global technology strategy. 

It was a glimpse of new computers being installed in her high school that turned Goodman's attention away from dreams of becoming a professional tennis player to the world of technology. Since then, she’s had a front-row seat to the shifts not only in the tech industry but the world of work more broadly.

“Things were very buttoned up,” says Goodman. “Women didn’t even wear pants — only skirts. Work culture and the environment has of course changed, but today, technology has a key seat at the tables of decision-making, where it had been something happening in the background.” 

Goodman loves her job (“everything I do is fun”), but as she explained to her teenage daughter in this interview the two recorded in 2022, her most treasured role has been that of mother. “Loving what I do has made me a better parent because I want to be successful in order to be an example to [her].”

And for her daughter and the other young women who will be joining the workforce over the coming years, Goodman has some advice:

1. Model the authenticity you want to see

We each bring our professional skill set to work, but I believe it’s just as important to share the personal qualities that make you unique. What does that look like in practice? It wasn’t that long ago when people felt they had to hide important aspects of themselves or their identity – being gay, a parent or caregiver, having a physical disability or mental health condition. That isn’t the case anymore. Be confident in sharing your unique perspectives and create space for colleagues to do the same. A supportive work environment establishes trust and a balance that helps us all feel more comfortable at work. And being comfortable will bring out your very best work. 

2. Get a life … outside of work

It’s important to have something that allows you to take your mind completely off work. For me, that’s golf, and it is my therapy, meditation, and exercise all rolled into one. Beyond work, devoting time to a practice that you want to get better at is good for your brain and provides balance that helps you enjoy work more, and makes you a more well-rounded, interesting person.

3. Be willing to try something new

I'm fortunate to have chosen an industry and career that I love, but have met plenty of people who do not, and regret spending years in a job or career path that isn’t fulfilling. Most of them say they were fearful of starting over. A few have switched paths and feel more fulfilled, but often say they regret not doing it sooner. I believe any lessons learned in work are beneficial, but don’t let regret be one of them. 

Early in my career I was part of a rotational program that helped me learn about numerous areas within the company where I worked. If your company offers a rotational program or short-term assignments, ask to participate.  As you find the work that inspires you, keep going. Continually upskill to stay current and stay challenged.  I find that learning and growing is the best way to stay energized throughout your career.  

Goodman has used these three tips to help propel her career forward as she rose to lead a multi-national organization made up of thousands of technology professionals. She hopes these tips help the next generation rise faster and go even farther.  

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