3 Ways to Beat Imposter Syndrome Before the First Day of Your New Job

woman with her hands on her head looking stressed

Liza Summer/Pexels

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Laura Berlinsky-Schine2.3k
Updated: 2/17/2022

Some 70% of all people experience imposter syndrome at least one point in their lives.

It’s not at all uncommon to feel like you don’t belong and that you’re not truly qualified to be where you are in life. But this is something almost everyone experiences, even the seemingly most accomplished among us. 

This is particularly common when you’re starting out in a new job. You might wonder, What if I’m here by accident? What if I slipped through the cracks? What if I’m not good enough?

If you’re grappling with these incessant thoughts, then take these steps before you start your next role — so you can succeed on day 1.

1. Devise a plan of action.

While it’s difficult to plan on having confidence, some preparation can certainly help. For example, before you walk into the office (or sign on from home), come up with a list of your goals and priorities, so you won’t be wondering what you should be doing on day 1 — you can simply consult your list. You may not have a ton of information yet, but you should have a basic idea of your responsibilities.

2. Make a list of your previous accomplishments.

Pump yourself up! In order to feel more confident about yourself — and impressed WITH yourself — write down a list of your previous accomplishments. This will help you remember all the amazing work you’ve already done, no matter what stage of your career, and allow you to get in the zone. 

Actually, this is a great resource to have on hand whenever you’re feeling that imposter syndrome creeping in. Consult the list to remind yourself about your talents and achievements.

3. Start making friends immediately.

Devise a plan for getting to know your colleagues, too. Think about with whom you’ll be working most closely, and extend invitations to get lunch or grab a virtual coffee in the first week. This will immediately make you feel more comfortable — you’ll establish connections and allies — and help you be more secure.

Look for informal opportunities to make friends. Smile at everyone. Say “hi” in the hallways. Strike up conversations. If you seem open and friendly, your coworkers will find you approachable and be enthusiastic about working with you.

Even those who are super extroverted and seem to exude confidence have their insecurities. If you’re feeling a sense of imposter syndrome, recognize it’s something so many of us go through — and at the end of the day, you simply need to fake it ‘till you make it.


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Laura Berlinsky-Schine is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn with her demigod/lab mix Hercules. She specializes in education, technology and career development. She also writes satire and humor, which has appeared in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Jane Austen’s Wastebasket, and Funny-ish. View her work and get in touch at: www.lauraberlinskyschine.com.

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