'Our House is a Mess' and 4 Other Times Carrie Underwood Nailed The Working Mom Experience

Music superstar Carrie Underwood balances work and motherhood with honesty, determination and humor.

Carrie Underwood

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July 26, 2024 at 11:42PM UTC

An “American Idol” champ, a country-pop sensation, and a proud mother of a 3-year-old son, Carrie Underwood knows a thing or two about wearing multiple hats at the same time. Now pregnant with her second child, Carrie’s also prepping for her “Cry Pretty” tour that's set to begin in Spring 2019. 

Between her music, her frequent TV appearances, and her CALIA by Carrie Underwood clothing line, Carrie has plenty to keep her busy, but she manages to maintain her professional and personal lives with grace and a refreshing amount of candor. These 5 moments exemplify Carrie’s positive (yet honest) outlook on the working mom experience.

1. When Carrie poked a little Twitter fun at her son after attending his soccer game.

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

2. When Carrie told reporters at the CMAs that she’s proud of all of her accomplishments, but her kids take first place every time.

After the Country Music Awards, reporters asked Carrie to weigh in on how she keeps her music career thriving while also dealing with the responsibilities of motherhood. 

She articulated it beautifully: “I mean, I’m a working mom, working wife, same as all the other ones out there. My job’s kinda weird. But you just figure your way through it, and women, we ladies are good at that. And I’m just excited. I’m excited that they get to see their mom do that, and see me onstage, and hopefully I can be an inspiration to my children and to other working moms out there, because we got this!”

3. When Carrie cited “balance” as the real key to juggling different facets of her life.

During an interview with Us Weekly, Carrie shared the real secret to keeping her busy career afloat while also being the best possible mom to her son: balance. 

“Balance is what it’s all about. No matter what your job is. Being a mom, working and dividing your time. It is what we all have to do as mothers.”

4. When Carrie openly shared her concerns about going on tour with a small baby in tow.

Carrie’s no stranger to touring alongside her offspring; son Isaiah accompanied her on her Storyteller tour after all. However, she told the Tennessean that she’ll have both Isaiah and the new baby with her on the Cry Pretty tour, and that she anticipates a different experience hitting the road with a newborn. 
"It's going to be a different ball game, for sure. My brain, I'm such a planner. I want to know how it's all going to go. But no matter who you are, you make it happen, you make it work, you get your team behind you,” Carrie stated.

5. When Carrie embraced the everyday chaos of parenting.

Carrie knows that working moms can’t obsess over every little thing, and she told TODAY in 2016 that she’s made peace with the fact that her life isn’t glamorous and picture-perfect all the time. 

And honestly, she wouldn’t have it any other way: “Sometimes I think people probably think it is [glamorous], but it’s real. I love that our house is a mess and there’s toys everywhere. I’m constantly trying to make it not a mess, but it is and that’s OK. I love that my life isn’t so glamorous.”

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