6 Surefire Signs an Interview Went Really, Really Well

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Laura Berlinsky-Schine2.3k
July 26, 2024 at 11:51PM UTC

You just got out of an interview for that coveted job, and you’re wondering: How did I do?

Sometimes, it’s obvious that the hiring manager loved you. Other times, you have a feeling it’s just not the right fit, and both you and the interviewer know it. But more often than not, it’s probably more than a little ambiguous. 

While these aren’t hard and fast rules, there are some pretty clear signs that you nailed that interview.

1. You’re getting lots of questions about specific scenarios.

If an interviewer is asking you specific questions about how you would react or manage a particular scenario in that role, it’s a good sign.

“More questions that speak to your soft skills, use scenarios or get your buy-in on an existing business case might also be good signs the interviewer is trying to visualize you in this particular role,” Arika Lawrence writes in the FGB community forums.

This is also true if they’re delving into situations from your own experience. “If they're diving into your background and asking for more details about a specific situation (as long as they're not asking more questions because you're not answering the question),” that’s a good sign, Vicki Yang agrees. 

2. The conversation flows.

Another sign that the interview was a success? The conversation never lagged. 

“I'd say an interview is going well if the interviewer is able to disregard their set questions and let the conversation flow,” Kim Allcott writes. 

“If you are able to have easy, free-flowing dialogue with the interviewer(s)/candidate(s) then it is a good sign you/they will be a good addition to the team,” adds Jessica Bendell.

Remember: the person interviewing you could be your manager or colleague, so it’s definitely a plus if you get along with them and have a lot to talk about.

3. The interviewer shows a vested interest in you getting to know the team and organization.

Getting an impromptu tour of the office demonstrates that the hiring manager wants you to envision yourself there. They might even point out the office or workspace where you’d be working — a clear positive.

If the interviewer introduces you to other team members and prospective coworkers, that’s another signal that things are going well. They wouldn’t take the time to have you get to know people they don’t think you’re ever going to see again. They might also want to see your rapport with the people with whom you could be working.

4. The interview lasts longer than you anticipated.

An interview that goes on for much longer than you thought it would demonstrates that you and the interviewer are getting along well and they are interested in getting to know you. That could mean that you would fit in well with the team and organization. (If it weren’t going well, the interviewer wouldn’t want to waste any more time with you.) 

But don’t worry if your interview doesn’t last super long; some organizations have a strict schedule and could be seeing other candidates right after you.

5. The interview asks you when you would be able to start.

Chances are, the interviewer wouldn’t be trying to nail down logistics if they’re not seriously considering you for the role. If they’re thinking about how soon they can onboard you, they’re probably interested in hiring you.

Caveat: Some organizations do ask every candidate this question in a screening interview. Pay attention to how they ask the question (i.e. whether they seem excited or whether they appear to be reading off of a list) and if there are any follow-ups, like whether you’re interviewing elsewhere.

6. The interviewer responds enthusiastically to your thank-you note.

After you send your thank-you note (don’t forget to send a thank-you note within 24 hours of the interview!), often, you won’t get a response until you’re called in for another round of interviews or receive a decision. So, if you do receive an enthusiastic response, that’s a great sign that they’re excited about you. For example, they might say something like “We’ll be in touch” or use exclamation points.

Of course, every organization and interviewer is different. While none of these signs means that you 100% will absolutely get the job, they do serve as indications that the interview was a success.

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