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It's no secret that everyone wants their boss to like them. Having a good relationship with your boss can lead to a happier work environment and greater upward mobility at a company. Plus, knowing you're on your boss's good side can make your days way less stressful.
We've outlined a few tips and tricks the most successful people use to build their relationship with their superiors, so you can improve your relationship with yours.
Lynn Taylor, a workplace expert and author of “Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job,” told Business Insider that she recommends discovering how your boss prefers to communicate. Does your boss prefer email? Slack? Does she prefer face-to-face communication? How often does she wish to hear from your level of an employee? These are the details you need to discover about your boss. Don’t be afraid to ask your manager directly! She will like that you’re taking the initiative to figure her out.
Taylor also recommends offering your own assistance and input. Again, take the initiative.
"Volunteer to help your boss with key projects, even if the project is not yet on your to-do list," Taylor said. "If you're caught up, let your peers know that you would be glad to assist them, too. Your reputation as a team player will quickly spread, just make sure you're being genuine about it and not taking on more than you can handle."
You know the drill. Be the first to arrive and the last to leave. Don’t spend your time wasting away in the break room or taking extra long lunch breaks to gossip with your friend from accounting. Your boss and your coworkers will notice your dedication. And it will pay off!
Only ask your boss questions about a specific project she assigned you or a pitch you might want to run by her first. Save your company protocol or any other administrative questions for HR — or ask another coworker whose opinion of you doesn't matter as much!
It’s probably not personal, according to Lauren Berger, who runs Intern Queen Inc. Your boss is dealing with stress and problems that you haven’t even been made aware of yet.
“The best thing you can do is be consistent–personality wise and work wise,” Berger said. “Be aware of your boss’s mood and then go on with your day like normal. Be the consistent force they can rely on. You have no idea what they are dealing with after hours.”
Berger also recommends eliminating praise from your workplace expectations.
“Whenever people tell me they are waiting for praise, it feels immature to me,” she said. “Why does someone need to tell you that you are doing a good job? Some people get so caught up in waiting for praise that they get frustrated when the accolades don’t come around frequently. Be confident in your abilities.”
Your boss is expecting you to do a good job. Just simply don’t let her down, and she's bound to appreciate you.
Career and job search coach, Lea McCleod, advises that you remind yourself to also focus on your boss’ goals.
“As an employee, you may be so focused on your own goals that you forget that you’re actually there to support your manager achieving her goals,” she wrote. “So, make it your job to understand the goals, numbers, projects, and other deliverables your boss is accountable for. It’s as simple as asking your manager as part of your one-on-one meetings.”