Balance Is Possible! Here’s How I Manage as a Full-Time Supervisor and Single Mom

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Dominique Washington

Photo courtesy of Eversource.

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July 27, 2024 at 12:5AM UTC

Dominique Washington, a Supervisor of Electric Field Operations at Eversource Energy in Eastern Massachusetts, has been in her role since October 2020, “and I love it,” shares Washington. “I was previously commissioned in the U.S. Army as a Signal Officer but joined this company when I left the service in search of better work-life balance. I am so happy I found what I was looking for here.”

For Washington, the balance she found at Eversource means “being able to handle your daily tasks on a consistent basis without the feeling of being overwhelmed,” she explains. “I believe I achieved this by simply taking things one day at a time. Nothing good comes easy, and most things don’t happen overnight. I remember this and give myself credit for even the smallest victories, like reading to my daughter before bed or completing an assignment given to me from my manager.”

Washington knows that balance is achievable for working parents — she’s found it while working full time and raising a child as a mother with no assistance. “I do it every day and plan to do it as long as there is breath in me,” Washington says.

Here, Washington shares more about how she found her balance, how her company aided her in this journey and her advice for her fellow working parents.

Paint a picture of a typical day for me.  What’s the first thing you do when you wake up and the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

The first thing I do when I wake up is kiss my daughter good morning. She replies, “Good morning Mommy.” That makes me smile and sets the tone for the day. We get ready for work and school. I go to work and assist in restoring power across Eastern Massachusetts, and she goes to daycare and learns her ABCs and 123s. Our day usually ends with her deciding what we will eat for dinner and me kissing her goodnight. Then we do it all over again the next day! 

What kinds of boundaries have you established to separate work and family time?

 My role as a supervisor includes on-call duty, so initially, separating work and family time was a challenge; however, now I am sure to communicate with my management and employees about special family events to ensure that I am enjoying time with my family. Additionally, I set my daughters’ care center up with multiple secondary contacts for emergencies to ensure I can effectively do my job under most unexpected circumstances. 

How did you prepare for maternity leave and what advice can you offer to other moms who are expecting their first child? 

I prepared for leave by talking with other moms about what to expect, and I would suggest the same to expectant mothers. You cannot expect the unknown, but you can learn about it through the eyes of another mother. 

How long were you on maternity leave and what was it like to return to work? 

I was on maternity leave for three months, and it was hard returning to work and leaving my baby girl in someone else’s care; however, I was provided enough time and flexibility to find a quality center that my daughter loves. 

Let’s talk more about your company’s culture. What’s your favorite aspect of it, and how does your employer aid you in achieving balance?

My favorite aspect about the culture here is that leaders are open to innovation and input. I have brought many ideas to my management team, all of which have been heard and accepted for implementation either now or in the future. That’s huge in my opinion. 

What type of programs did/does your company offer to new and expectant mothers?

My company offers discounted rates for emergency back-up childcare through This allows me 10 back-up care days per year at a rate of $6.00/day in home or $10/day in-Center.  Regular care is usually at or around $24/day, which is expensive.

Why do you think your company is a particularly great place to be a working mom?

I believe my company is a great place to be a working mom because Eversource is equipped with quality leaders and/or managers who GET IT. They understand we are all humans with lives outside of work and that sometimes comes with understanding and communications. I am fortunate to have been blessed with a leadership team who understands. 

What are you especially good at as a mom? What about at work? 

As a mom, I believe I am good at making sure my daughter has everything she needs. I do the same thing as a supervisor. Neither my daughter nor my team can be successful without the proper resources.

What’s your #1 tip for new moms who are navigating the delicate balance of working and mothering? 

My number one tip for new moms navigating the delicate balance of working and mothering would be to ask for help when you need it. New moms who work full time are sometimes viewed as being strong and therefore not needing any help; however, that is so unrealistic. The job isn’t easy and neither is mothering. Don’t be afraid of being viewed as ‘weak.’ Everybody needs somebody. 

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