How These 5 Celebrities Overcame Their Fear of Public Speaking

A woman on a stage facing a crowd, illustrating that many celebrities overcame fear of public speaking to pursue their passion


Updated: 9/10/2024

You’d never guess that Oprah Winfrey was once intimidated by speaking in public, would you? And yet. Public speaking can be a daunting challenge, even for the most accomplished individuals. Oprah is one of many female celebrities who overcame fear of public speaking, managed to overcome anxiety, and became compelling professional speakers. 

When you’re feeling intimidated by public speaking, it can be reassuring to hear how renowned female figures have transformed their fear of public speaking into a remarkable asset. Their journeys offer valuable insights into how to tackle public speaking anxiety and turn it into a strength.

Why public speaking can be so intimidating

Public speaking is often described as one of the most common fears, and for good reason. Glossophobia—fear of public speaking—stems from several psychological and situational factors that can make the experience daunting. 

Recognizing these sources of anxiety is the first step toward addressing and overcoming the fear of public speaking. Here are some common root causes of apprehension:

  • Fear of judgment: When speaking in public, people are often worried about how their words and actions will be perceived by others. The idea that others will scrutinize and evaluate every aspect of their performance can be paralyzing.

  • Fear of making mistakes: People worry about forgetting their lines, stumbling over their words, or losing their place. This fear is amplified by the presence of an audience, as mistakes may be more noticeable and embarrassing when viewed by others.

  • Fear of the unknown: There are a lot of variables: unfamiliar audiences, unpredictable reactions, or unexpected technical issues. The lack of control over these variables can heighten anxiety. Uncertainty about how the audience will respond or whether everything will go according to plan can make the prospect of speaking in public even more intimidating.

  • Self-consciousness: Individuals may feel overly aware of their appearance, voice, or body language, which can detract from their ability to focus on their message. The fear of being judged on these personal attributes can lead to heightened nervousness and discomfort.

  • Previous negative experiences: If someone has had a previous experience where they felt they performed poorly or faced criticism, this can create a lasting fear of repeating those negative outcomes. 

  • High stakes: When people view a situation as high-stakes—such as a job interview, a major presentation, or a significant event—the pressure to succeed can be overwhelming. 

The pressure to perform flawlessly is particularly true for celebrities, whose every word and gesture are scrutinized in real time and forever after. Many female celebrities have grappled with these challenges and found ways to manage their fears effectively. 

5 female celebrities with fear of public speaking—and how they overcome it

There are many accounts of how these famous people with fear of public speaking turned it into confidence and made their voices heard. Let their real life stories of overcoming fear guide you in your own journey toward public-speaking fearlessness.

1. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most influential media personalities in the world, but her journey with public speaking was not always smooth. Early in her career, Oprah struggled with nervousness when speaking in public. 

Her breakthrough came through practice and a shift in perspective. Oprah learned to focus on her message rather than her fears. By embracing her authentic self and connecting with her audience, she turned her vulnerability into strength.

2. Emma Watson

Well known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, Emma Watson is among famous people who overcame fear of public speaking. Despite her fame, Watson was initially nervous about speaking at events and conferences

To overcome her fear, she engaged in extensive preparation and practice. Watson also took a proactive approach by seeking opportunities to speak on topics she was passionate about, such as gender equality. This helped her build confidence and refine her speaking skills.

3. Michelle Obama

Former First Lady Michelle Obama is known for her eloquence and impactful speeches. However, she is another famous person with a fear of public speaking—or at least she was. Her journey to becoming a confident speaker was not without its hurdles. Michelle Obama has spoken openly about her initial apprehensions regarding public speaking. 

To overcome her fear, she invested time in refining her skills and gaining experience through practice. Her ability to connect with audiences and speak on personal experiences contributed to her success as a speaker.

4. Julia Roberts

Actress Julia Roberts also faced fear of public speaking early in life. Despite her incredible success onscreen, Roberts has shared, she experienced anxiety about speaking in public because she stuttered as a young girl

She has mentioned feeling nervous and uncomfortable with public speaking engagements and red carpet appearances, highlighting that her fear of public speaking is a challenge she continues to work on.

How did Julia Roberts overcome her fear of public speaking? Her journey involves confronting these fears and working through them to become more comfortable with public appearances and speeches. 

5. Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg, the former COO of Facebook and author of Lean In, has been an influential figure in the business world. Despite her success, Sandberg struggled with public speaking early in her career. 

One of her famous quotes about fear of public speaking and others is: “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” It reflects a theme from her book, where she discusses overcoming fear and taking bold actions to reach their full potential.

She tackled this challenge by embracing training and seeking feedback to improve her performance. Sandberg’s commitment to growth and her focus on sharing her message helped her overcome her fear and become a compelling speaker.

Tips on how to overcome fear of public speaking

Drawing from the experience and story about overcoming fear of public speaking of these female celebrities, here are some practical tips for overcoming public speaking anxiety:

Commit to preparing

Thorough preparation is key to overcoming public speaking fears. Like Oprah Winfrey, investing time in understanding your material and practicing your delivery can boost confidence. Preparation helps you feel more in control and reduces the likelihood of making mistakes during your speech.

Focus on the message, not the fear

Shifting your focus from your fears to the message you want to convey can be transformative. Emma Watson’s approach of speaking on topics she was passionate about is a prime example. When you prioritize the importance of your message, the fear of public speaking becomes secondary.

Practice regularly

Regular practice helps build confidence and familiarity with public speaking. Michelle Obama’s and Julia Roberts’ dedication to refining her speaking skills through practice highlights the importance of continuous improvement. Practicing in front of friends, family, or even recording yourself can help you become more comfortable with speaking in public.

Seek feedback

Constructive feedback and professional training can be invaluable for improving your public speaking skills. Sheryl Sandberg’s experience with seeking feedback underscores the benefit of learning from others and refining your approach. Consider enrolling in public speaking courses or workshops to enhance your skills.

Embrace vulnerability

Being open about your fears and vulnerabilities can resonate with your audience. Oprah Winfrey’s ability to connect with her audience by embracing her authentic self demonstrates the power of vulnerability. Sharing your personal experiences and struggles can create a stronger connection with your audience and alleviate some of your fears.

Start small

Begin by practicing in smaller, less intimidating settings. Gradually work your way up to larger audiences as your confidence grows. This step-by-step approach can help you build experience and reduce anxiety over time.

Additional resources for overcoming public speaking anxiety

If you’re looking for more help with how to get over fear of public speaking, there are several resources available:

  • Books: Titles such as Talk Like TED by Carmine Gallo and The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie offer valuable insights and strategies for effective public speaking.

  • Online courses: Platforms like Coursera provide courses on public speaking that can help you develop your skills and build confidence.

  • Professional coaching: Consider working with a public speaking coach to receive personalized guidance and support. (Check coaching options, like the The Muse Coach Connect program, to tackle—and overcome—your current career obstacles.)

  • Apps: Toastmasters International has an app with resources for improving public speaking skills. Speeko offers speech practice with real-time feedback on pacing, filler words, and tone. There are also plenty of virtual reality apps that simulate public speaking environments, allowing users to practice their speeches in a virtual setting.

Overcoming the fear of public speaking is a journey that many people, including celebrities, have navigated successfully. With dedication and perseverance, you, too, can conquer your fear of public speaking and shine in any setting.

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