Director of Tech Recruiting Reveals Top Tips to Land Your Next Job

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Nancy DeLeon

Photo courtesy of ServiceNow.

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July 26, 2024 at 11:33PM UTC
Job searching can be stressful. But what if you knew exactly what recruiters were looking for in candidates? 
We chatted with Director of Technical Recruiting, Nancy DeLeon, who leads engineering, AI/ML, and customer support hiring at ServiceNow. Follow her simple tips and advice to make your next job hunt a breeze.

How can a candidatget their resume noticed? What if they don’t know anyone at the company? 

Think strategically when writing your resume. Bring up the job description and your resume side-by-side. What keywords are used in the job description? Use those exact words in your resume. It should look as if your resume was written directly in response to the job description.  
Reach out to someone in the company and ask if they’d be willing to refer you or simply pass on your resume to the recruiter for the role. You can also ask for an informational interview with the hiring manager or recruiter to learn more about the position. It never hurts to ask. It’s a great networking opportunity that could also benefit you in the future.   

What are your top five pieces of advice for acing an interview? 

  1. Understand the scope of the role and how it impacts the organization. 
    • If you’re unsure how the role relates to the bigger picture, here are some questions to ask during the process: 
      • What essential business needs will the position help solve in the short and long term? 
      • How does the role help the organization or the hiring manager be more successful? 
      • What are the top three priorities for the position? 
  1. Align your accomplishments and experiences to the role's needs (both on your resume and when interviewing). 
  1. Confidently talk about your skills and achievements in detail versus generalities. 
  1. Make a connection with your interviewersWhat do you have in common? Culture, values, hobbies? 
  1. Be your authentic self. 

What are your biggest tips for what NOT to do when interviewing?  

  • While you should show confidence and pride in your accomplishments, make sure you don’t come across as arrogant. Demonstrate your humility by showing your willingness to learn and grow continually. 
  • Don’t speak negatively about your former employer, manager, or coworkers. It’s poor form and not a good display of character. 
  • Never be too eager to bring up compensation. The best thing to do is focus on highlighting your accomplishments and how the company will benefit from hiring you. Once they fall in love with you and decide you’re the one, that’s the right time to negotiate your value. When a company realizes you’re a talent they don’t want to lose, they’ll do their best to offer a competitive compensation package. 

What are three qualities you look for in candidates?  

  1. Initiative 
  1. Confidence 
  1. Empathy 

What tips do you have for women considering a career change to a new role or industry? 

Start with taking inventory of your transferrable skills and accomplishments. At the top of your resume, include a brief statement explicitly noting your intention to change careers. You should also highlight a summary of qualifications at the top and include key accomplishments in the experience section. Interviewers often use your resume to guide their questions, so be thoughtful about what you include. 
 You should also seek mentors who are already doing the job you’re hoping to break into—they’ll be your best teachers. Ask them how they progressed in their career, what mistakes they made along the way, and how they stayed resilient. Their insights may help you avoid setbacks and get you where you want to be faster.  

What’s the most memorable career advice you’ve received? 

Your career is a marathon, not a race—pace yourself. Take time to reflect and build both short and long-term plans. Don’t underestimate the importance of laying down a strong foundation that can support you when challenges arise. Slowing down and thoughtfully setting priorities will set you up for success and save you time in the long run. 

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