35 Memes You Can Totally Relate to If You Get Easily Distracted

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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
July 26, 2024 at 6:28PM UTC
Easily distracted? You're not alone. That's why there are memes for days on the internet about getting distracted and going off course.
Here's a painfully relatable distraction meme for everyone.

1. When food distracts you from your diet.

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2. When Pinterest distracts you from your job.

getting distracted meme with Dory
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3. When bright lights distract you.

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4. When you just can't seem to study.

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5. When you run away from life.

me distracted meme
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6. When your things distract you from cleaning.

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7. When your own reflection distracts you.

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8. When you just aren't listening.

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9. When music distracts you from reality.

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10. When the internet distracts you from work.

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11. When your crush walks by.

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12. When you just can't clean.

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13. When you own that you're easily distracted.

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14. When YouTube distracts you.

distracted meme about talking to a giraffe
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15. When you have something important to do.

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16. When you need to get writing.

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17. When you're distracted all the time.

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18. When you don't even realize how distracted you are.

easily distracted meme with a bunny
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19. When the teacher calls on you but you were distracted.

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20. When life flies by on accident because you were distracted.

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21. When you are always distracted.

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22. When you're bored.

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23. When food distracts you from working out.

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24. When you're claiming that you're not distracted.

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25. When shiny objects distract you.

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26. When you never listen.

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27. When your mind wanders.

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28. When you can't even listen to your music.

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29. When nothing good happens before coffee.

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30. When you're in your own head.

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31. When you forget everything.

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32. When you just can't be bothered.

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33. When you swear you'll remember (but never do).

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34. When you have no idea what someone said.

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35. When your conversation partner isn't listening.

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AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog, HerReport.org, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreportand Facebook.

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