Work is often a place where you’re on guard — and for good reason. You’re well aware that there are plenty of things you should never say to your boss and that you need to think twice before lashing out at that coworker you can’t stand.
Yet while it’s important to have some boundaries in the workplace, it’s equally important to make sure those boundaries aren’t preventing us from fostering an inclusive and productive environment where we’re comfortable opening up to our coworkers about things that are often tough to discuss at work — like bias and inclusion. If you’ve ever felt like you’ve been mommy-tracked or like you’ve been the victim of unconscious bias, chances are you’ve also struggled to know how to address those feelings and incidences.
We all know how tricky it can be to confront sensitive subjects in the workplace, which is why we’re pretty pumped to hear about #InclusionStartsWithI — a new movement spearheaded by Accenture. The company has a history of leading the way in diversity and inclusion initiatives (have you heard about their recently announced goal to have a completely gender balanced workforce by 2025?) — so we’re not surprised that they’ve initiated this awesome new project, which they debuted in a moving video late last month.
The video — which aims to facilitate discussion so that employees can be more comfortable being themselves at work — features real Accenture employees holding up signs that reflect their candid feelings about being excluded, ignored, or judged. Accenture employees are now taking their work a step further and channeling their feelings into actionable commitments to becoming better allies.
“This all started with our employees being courageous enough to have a conversation about what it means to truly feel included and a sense of belonging at work,” Accenture’s Chief Leadership & Human Resources Officer Ellyn Shook recently shared with Fairygodboss. “This began as a way to spark discussion within our company about belonging and bias…and it touched our people deeply, helping them realize that bias can appear in both expected and unexpected ways.”
Shook added that Accenture employees asked to share the video with their families, friends and clients — and she feels like she’s “witnessing a moment turn into a movement. We believe that individuals have the power to change the world by using their voice, and we’re using ours to encourage others to make a personal commitment to inclusion.”
You can watch the video here:
Accenture is encouraging individuals and companies to join in the conversation on Twitter and other social networks.