8 Phrases Truly Great Bosses Constantly Say to Their Team


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Leah Thomas866
Updated: 5/27/2021
The characteristics that make a good boss differ greatly from those that make an average or subpar one. And communication can play a large role in determining your effectiveness and success as a leader.

How you communicate with your employees can either show them they are valued or make them feel disposable. Great bosses find themselves using the following positive reinforcements, questions, and statements of gratitude on a daily basis. 

1. "Good job."

Good bosses let employees know when they've succeeded at a task. Offering positive reinforcement encourages workers and assures them that their hard work is appreciated and noticed.
Giving an employee praise can be equally as effective as giving an employee constructive criticism. Both help a worker to continue to improve his/her professional performance.

2. "What's our goal?"

A great boss wants to keep his/her employees motivated. 
By creating a goal-oriented environment, a boss can encourage employees to focus on an end-point make decisions that will lead them to achieving their goals. And by saying "our," that employee knows the boss is working toward this goal with her.

3. "How are you?"

A boss that truly cares about the wellbeing of his/her employees is a great boss. "How are you?" is a question that could render responses involving personal life and/or work life. 
Employees fare better when they don't feel like just another number in a sea of employees, and good bosses make each worker feel crucial to the functionality of the company.

4. "That was my fault. I'm sorry."

Hearing a boss admit a mistake helps employees realize that every person is flawed. It also allows for that employee to be comfortable enough to own up to a mistake he/she may make in the future.
By saying "I'm sorry," a boss not only admits the mistake but shows respect for the employees that will be affected by his/her mistake.

5. "What do you think?"

Good bosses let their employees know their ideas will be heard and taken into consideration.
Seeking advice from employees shows that the boss values their opinions, regardless of their rank. Employees were hired for their potential, and giving them a chance to exhibit their skills lets them know their bosses believe in them.

6. "How can we improve?"

Inviting employees into the postmortem process shows them that they are a crucial part of the company and that their proposed solutions are valued.
Each error or mistake can be viewed as a learning experience. And good bosses let employees in on that process, in turn helping them grow professionally.

7. "Let me know if you have any questions."

A great boss is approachable and lets his/her employees know they can easily ask for help when needed.
Opening up employee/boss communication eases tension in the work environment and allows workers to feel as though they are part of a team.

8. "Thank you."

A simple "thank you" again shows employees that their boss truly appreciates the work they are putting in. A good boss thanks his workers as often as necessary, noting specific positive behaviors or assignments that were exceptional.
Great bosses want their employees to feel valued.
This article was written by a FGB Contributor.

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