Fairygodboss of the Week: Kayla Lebovits

Photo Courtesy of Kayla Lebovits.

Photo Courtesy of Kayla Lebovits.

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July 27, 2024 at 12:47AM UTC
Kayla Lebovits is the definition of a Fairygodboss. While she was working in finance, she witnessed women struggling to balance their career commitments with their home commitments. Lebovits wondered: "How can we be more supportive?"
And as a result, Bundle was born. Bundle offers subsidized virtual care that allows parents to "be confident, focused and excel at work." It's a mission Lebovits is passionate about, even more so now that she has a young daughter. 
Recently, the entrepreneur shared her journey to Bundle and the accomplishments and challenges that have marked the path. She also shared her best advice for women in the workplace, how she unwinds and what is so special about working for herself and her mission.  
Fairygodboss of the Week: Kayla Lebovits
CEO and Founder, Bundle
Tell us a little about your career. How did you get where you are now?
I started my career in finance and witnessed that as women rose through the ranks, they were also starting families. Watching these women juggle advancing their careers while trying to balance demands at home seemed extremely challenging. Sadly, I watched many of them leave the workforce as a result. I didn't understand why there had to be a choice and why there could not be more support for doing both. I started Bundle so those parents wouldn’t have to choose and could feel supported and thrive in the workplace.
What's an accomplishment that you are proud of?
Leaving finance and taking a risk by starting a company with a mission I am passionate about. I haven't looked back and now  — having started my own family — my commitment to building a more inclusive workplace is even stronger.
What's a challenge that you've faced and overcome?
I’ve learned that you can’t do it all. I had my daughter right as my company was kicking into high gear. At first, I was trying to do it all perfectly and wound up failing to do anything well. I quickly realized that you can’t do it all yourself and you need to lean on your family and friends for support.
What's the No. 1 career tip that you'd like to share with other women?
Don’t be a skinny mirror! Speak up and challenge others, don’t just tell them what they want to hear.
Why do you love where you work?
We have a driven and dedicated team at Bundle who all contribute in unique and incredible ways. It makes our day when we get notes from parents and caregivers about how their Bundle Break sessions gave them a much-needed break. It truly motivates us when a child or elderly loved one at the end of a session asks how they can sign up for more Bundle Breaks!
Who is your Fairygodboss? Why?
Melinda Gates — she’s passionate, mission oriented and a doer. She talks the talk and walks the walk!

What do you do when you're not working?
I spend time with my new daughter, husband and my siblings who all have kids. It’s quite the party when we are all together!
If you could have dinner with one famous person — dead or alive — who would it be?
Amy Schumer — sometimes you just need to laugh a little and not take yourself so seriously.
What's your karaoke song?
"I Want It That Way" by Backstreet Boys.
What's your favorite movie?
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding" because it reminds me of my family!
What book would you bring with you on a deserted island?
"A Fine Balance" by Rohinton Mistry.
What's your go-to self care activity?
Bike riding and ending it with cookie dough and a side of ice cream.

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