Fairygodboss of the Week: Nawres Caman

Photo Courtesy of Nawres Caman.

Photo Courtesy of Nawres Caman.

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Updated: 12/12/2018
Nawres Caman has a resume that will blow you away. She started a B2B matchmaking company that connected the Swedish and Chinese markets while she was still in business school. Then, she acted as the CEO of an investment firm before landing the Head of Sales position at Potentialpark. 
What has garnered Caman so much success? She talked with Fairygodboss about how she recharges, who inspires her, and what advice she has for women who'd like to pursue a career path as broad and bright as hers. 
Fairygodboss of the Week: Nawres Caman
Head of Sales, Potentialpark
Stockholm, Sweden
Tell us a little about your career. How did you get to where you are now?
I started working at my father's company at a really young age. I think it's good to start work early, because you can get a lot of different experiences that help you decide which direction you would like to take in your career. When I was 16, I got the opportunity to participate in a business trip to China with my father. That was the very first time I fell in love with international business. I learned how to network and negotiate, and I got to attend several business meetings. Years later when I studied Business Economics, I decided to start my own company during my second year. We offered B2B matchmaking between the Swedish and Chinese markets, with close cooperations in China.

After a couple of exciting but hectic years of combining studies with work, I met the owner of a investment firm during a networking event. That meeting later led to my next career move - CEO for his investment firm. My startup company was handed over to my ambitious brother. The time I spent as a CEO was a true learning experience, and I am still grateful for that journey.

Today I can proudly say that I work at Potentialpark as the Head of Sales. It's a great combination of the three key areas of my career: sales, leadership and international business! Simply the perfect match. 
What is an accomplishment that you are proud of?
One of my greatest accomplishments is that I took on a tough leadership role right after college. It required me to be a young female in a male-dominated industry, work at a company in need of change management and not be afraid of the challenges that came with it. It's something that's both scary, exciting and wonderful at the same time.

Another accomplishment that I have to mention is being a mentor for younger upcoming leaders in a Swedish organization called Young Entrepreneurs (Ung Företagsamhet). I think it's important to both support and guide the youth, but also have an experienced mentor yourself for guidance. 
Who is YOUR Fairygodboss? and Why?
My Fairygodboss is without a doubt my sister, Shilan Caman. She is a strong, goal-oriented and smart woman that I admire highly. She has always been a great support in my life. 
What do you do when you're not working?
When I'm not working, I spend as much time as possible with my family to recharge. I get a lot of positive energy from them. I also love to travel the world and explore. And of course, I go to the gym!
If you could have dinner with one famous person—dead or alive—who would it be?
Oprah Winfrey. That would be a dream come true. She is incredibly inspiring, and her story has always fascinated me. She is definitely my biggest inspiration.
Lightning Round: What is your go-to karaoke song?
Flawless by Beyonce. It's both empowering and catchy.
Lightning Round: What is your favorite movie?
Million Dollar Baby is one of my all-time favorites! 
Lightning Round: What book would you bring with you on a desert island?
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I like the statement it represents — that you are in control of your life and that a positive mindset is key. 
What is the #1 career tip you'd like to share with other women who want to have successful careers like you?
To never, ever give up once you set an important goal. I have learned that failing is OK. But if you decide to give up, failure becomes permanent. And when you are setting your goals, aim higher and get comfortable taking risks. 
Why do you love where you work?
The number one reason is that I love all my colleagues. They are all very ambitious and passionate. I'm grateful to have both an amazing sales team, and to be a part of an excellent management team. Another big reason is, of course, our impressive clients!

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