10 Reasons We're Celebrating Our Female Friendships This Women's Equality Day

Fairygodboss Co-founder Romy Newman and friends

Photo courtesy of Romy Newman

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Updated: 11/20/2019

At Fairygodboss, we think a lot about the value that womxn-centric spaces and relationships add to our lives. 

After all, it’s often our female friend groups who, at the end of the day, leave us feeling the most nourished, inspired, and ready to take on the world. There’s more than a little truth to the saying that behind every successful woman is a group text of other successful women hyping her up. And when a group of women and femme-identifying people have each other’s backs, in all ways and across all stages of life, there’s really something special about the level of support they’re able to find in each other. It’s its own kind of magic. 

That’s why for this Women’s Equality Day, we’re celebrating the friend groups who celebrate each other. From the connections rooted in childhood bonds to the women who found and are supporting each other as adults, you shared with us what makes your group of best gal pals so extraordinary. And at the end of the day — where would we be without them? 

1. "We met while traveling the world and instantly clicked, despite how different we are."

"I have a group of gal pals that I roomed with when I studied abroad in Rome! All four of us could honestly not be more different (and we all came from different places too!), but being on our own in a foreign country and sharing an apartment together, somehow it just worked! I've traveled with them to different countries and states and I always have the best times and have made the best memories with them. As time has gone by, we've definitely talked less and had less visits, but when we do check in or get together (whether it be babies, or weddings, or just a random visit), it's like no time has passed! They are definitely the most unique group of girlfriends I have and I honestly may not have been friends with them otherwise, but I'm so grateful to have them in my life and to hear their perspectives and their life experiences and to get the different kind of support they give me! They have helped shape me into the woman I am today. It's such a special relationship."

— Cassy L. 

2. "We've been inseparable friends since elementary school."

"I’ve had the same group of friends since I was in 4th grade. It’s a group of five of us, and we’ve been inseparable since we all met. From running around on the playground in elementary school and joining the same sports teams in high school to college graduations and being there when one of us gave birth, these are the girls I consider my sisters. We’ve helped each other get into college, as some of us were first generation students, gotten each other through college, and been there during the struggle of starting our careers after graduation. While we don’t talk or see each other every day, since we’re all busy with our families and careers, we make a point to take a vacation once a year and just enjoy ourselves and our friendship. These are the girls that have helped shape me into the woman I am today, who have taught me valuable life lessons, and who've been there for me during the toughest times. These are the girls that I plan to still joke around with when we’re old and in retirement homes!"

— Jen O.

3. "We started a business together — and formed a lifelong friendship."

"I have in the last year embarked on a journey of business ownership and as a part of this facilitated a FB Group of Women of Color, Virtual Assistant Sister Learning, who are also business owners. Let me say that I have NEVER felt such a kinship with anyone one, and I had a biological sister and a whole village that raised me. I can cry on their shoulders, I can build them up, I can teach them, and I can rely on them to have my back. Specifically, though, my co-moderator and I have taken the extra step and become business partners, creating gokiss.social; she has my back, is generous, is loving and nurturing and full of grace. I literally did not know such people existed. She recently moved from Florida to my Virginia, and we have traded visits, and the bond is unbreakable. I hope that more people get to experience, at least once in life what I have. It's incredible."
-Nakia W.

4. "We met at a local mom's group and have supported each other in everything since."

"I often tell people that after I had my son and went out on my first maternity leave, I had an identity crisis. I was used to being around people all day, and knowing the content of my work so well. Then suddenly, I was all alone in an apartment — and I couldn't even get ahead of diaper changes and feedings enough to get out. Worse, I had been used to being really good — and an expert — at my job. And suddenly, I was doing something I had never done before in my life: taking care of an infant. The perfectionist in me had no idea how to do it. I was having a hard time every day. Then, one day online, I found a local mom's group that was meeting at a nearby coffee shop. That's where I met these two amazing women. Eight years later, we have raised our kids together,  traveled the world together, sympathized with and raised each other up. They have made me a better mother, a better friend, and a better person — and I don't know what I would have done without them. I wish for mom friends like this for every new mother."
-Romy N

5. "We're each other's biggest cheerleaders."

"I met my group of five girlfriends in college. We were attached at the hip, so much so that we all moved into a house together and ending up living together for two years. Post-college, I lived with three of them at separate times. We have an unbreakable bond  and are truly each others biggest cheerleaders. We've seen each other go through just about everything, and I couldn't be more grateful for each of them!"
— Courtney B. 

6. "We're creating purpose and pursuing our dreams, together."

"My group of girlfriends are so special to me because we all are incredibly driven and successful in their own way. I don't mean to say we're all rich with a lot of money, but we're rich with loving our jobs and creating a sense of purpose."
— Megan S.

7. "Throughout all the seasons of our lives, our shared love of surfing — and our friendship — is a constant."

"Meet the San Diego Surf Ladies, a group of surf gal pals numbering 250+… we surf together, laugh together, cry together, start businesses together and travel together. Some of us meet as early as 6 a.m. on cold winter mornings to surf at first light. We cheer each other on, help each other overcome our worst fears, whether it’s big waves, sharks or relationship, career or entrepreneurial troubles. We’ve gone to Mexico and Costa Rica and other far away places together in search of the perfect surf, and through it all, we’ve grown closer and learned to support each other through many seasons of change and growth well beyond surfing."
— Marisa V.

8. "We're each other's rock."

"My sorority sisters were my rock during college and I couldn't have imagined getting through my four years at Boston University without them! While we were all so different, we held similar values and they always had my back no matter what."
— Sam S.

9. "After 30 years of friendship, we don't know what we'd do without each other."

"My best friends and I have been friends for over 30 years.  We have been there for each other. through the good and bad times. We supported each other through divorce,  death of a parent, and traumatic injuries to children. We have uplifted and cheered each other one through our many accomplishments. Whether it was going into business together,  writing a book and becoming a Best Selling Author, joining a Sorority, birth of a child, buying  a new home,  or getting a job promotion. We have always been each other's cheering squad. I don't know what I would do without them. I am so blessed and forever grateful to have them in my life." 
— Shantay C. 

10. "We are family and we'd do anything for each other."

"We met in our late high school/early college years while working at our local restaurant. Twelve years later, we’ve been through it all without even living in the same geographical location. College boyfriends, breakups, family woes, different time zones, marriage, death... our bond is stronger than ever. We talk everyday through group chats, giving advice and support. We are family and we’d do anything for each other."
— Margaret M. 

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