Here’s What Sallie Krawcheck & Other Leaders Say You Need to Do To Succeed


ideas and inspiration


Updated: 12/15/2017
Need some Wednesday inspiration? Each week, we profile women whose careers make us a littttle bit jealous. These ladies are especially cool because they’re also doing amazing things to support other women.
We ask all of them what their #1 career tip is, and they always come up with unique and thoughtful advice. So if you need a little motivation -- whether you’re job searching or just feeling blah about your work -- read up on what these 9 leaders suggest:

“Invest in relationships, or relationship currency. Performance currency is important and will help to create a strong reputation for you in the workplace, but it is the relationship currency that will help you to ascend in any environment.” -- Carla Harris, Vice Chairman, Global Wealth Management and Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley

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Own your strength. Give yourself permission to rewrite the rules. Collaborate with other women to create a corporate environment in which women are encouraged to bring their unique visions and relationship-building skills to the boardroom. Believe in the power of the pack. Collectively, we can create a better legacy for women in the workplace.” Shelley Zalis, CEO and Founder, The Female Quotient (TFQ) and The Girls’ Lounge

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Nothing works as well as hard work.” -- Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and Co-Founder – Ellevest, Chair of Ellevate Network

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Stick with it. Consistency. It's so easy to do poorly at something and give up out of frustration. What you fail to realize is you're simply learning. The lucky part is that most people give up or have a hard time sticking with something -- so if you can keep at it, you'll eventually succeed.” --Betty Liu, Founder and CEO, Radiate / Anchor on Bloomberg Television

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“Feel the fear and do it anyway. I think that's the title of an ’80s self-help book or something like that, but it's also how I function many days. I never did find it in me to be fearless – I just found the capacity to push through it. Also, at a certain point as you move up the food chain in business, it is almost entirely about who you hire and your ability to help them get where they are going in the course of getting done what your company needs done.” Meredith Kopit Levien, Executive Vice President & Chief Revenue Officer – The New York Times

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Don't be afraid to fail. In the beginning of my career I was so cautious and in many ways that's the best time to be trying anything and everything so, reach for it all and don't worry if you fail—those are the experiences that help you get jobs later!” Lauren McGoodwin, Founder and CEO, Career Contessa

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“Get a sponsor. Not a mentor or coach - someone who has your back, goes out of their way to promote and push you, but equally has the tough talks with you - calls you out when you are being blind or just blind stupid.” Katie Vanneck-Smith, Chief Customer Officer & Global Managing Director, Dow Jones

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“You can't airbrush personality, so be you and believe in yourself.  You got this.” Katie Mehnert, Founder & CEO, Pink Petro

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“Build your network before you need it, and maintain helping people even when your career is going great. There's no job security anymore, so the closest thing you can have is a strong, supportive network of people who can help you rebound when you need a new job. And my biggest overall tip is to work hard and be nice to people. It sounds simple but there's nothing that can replace hard work. And being nice is such a key element because I've seen a lot of people step on others to get to the top and it always ends up working against them later on.” Allison Esposito, Founder, Tech Ladies


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