Here’s What It Looks Like to Have a ‘Culture of Belonging’ at Work, According to a Senior Manager

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Anita Khandekar, Technology Development Senior Manager at Wells Fargo

Photo courtesy of Anita Khandekar

July 27, 2024 at 12:53AM UTC

What makes a great first day on the job even better? If you’re Anita Khandekar, a Technology Development Senior Manager at Wells Fargo, it’s discovering that, unlike plenty of other tech-focused cultures, you aren’t the odd woman out. 

“Day one, my happiest moment was realizing I wasn’t the only woman on my floor — there were many of us,” she recalled. “Wells Fargo has given me a sense of belonging at work.”

It’s been a handful of months since Khandekar joined the company, having found her dream role — fittingly — during a Virtual Career Fair for female technologists on Fairygodboss. Not only does she feel “a sense of enthusiasm every day” for the nature of her work, but she says she also has a deep connection to the organization’s goals.

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“The vision and values of the organization were the first magnets that brought this organization to my attention,” she said. “We are all called to be leaders. We want everyone to lead themselves, lead the team and lead the business — in service to customers, communities, team members and shareholders.”

Recently, Khandekar spoke about the ways Wells Fargo’s interview process impressed her, the career move she’s proudest of, and her best advice to women on the job hunt — whether they’re searching virtually or offline.

How long have you been in your current role, and how did you find the opportunity? 

I have been at my current role since July of this year. I found the opportunity as a result of a Virtual Career Fair hosted by Fairygodboss in March.

What were the three most appealing aspects of this job and/or your company that led you to apply? 

The vision and values of the organization were the first magnets that brought this organization to my attention. We are all called to be leaders. We want everyone to lead themselves, lead the team and lead the business — in service to customers, communities, team members and shareholders. This value was the essence of what drew me to applying at Wells. 

Tell me a bit about your current role. What are your priorities? 

My current role in technology provides me with the opportunity to deliver stable, secure, scalable and innovative services. My priority is to align with the technology strategy to provide such solutions at speeds that delight and satisfy our customers and unleash the skills and potential of the team. 

How did the interview and hiring process stand out to you as being a positive experience? 

The recruiter was transparent and provided me with clear-cut expectations. The experience during each interview further underscored for me the vision that I saw represented in my dialogue with the interviewers, who came from different areas within Wells. I enjoyed speaking with them about myself and also learning about them, their journey, their achievements and their personal vision, which was aligned with what I heard during each step of the process. 

Tell me a bit about your first day or week. What kinds of things made you feel comfortable? 

My first day was simply awesome. I was welcomed by a peer, who helped me settle right in. I was given my laptop and was able to log in within a couple of hours. Everything from my entry badge to my seating arrangements had been anticipated and were ready. I was assigned a buddy who helped answer questions. My boss had a clear-cut plan which he turned over to me for my first week, with the assurance that I had the flexibility to make changes and achieve the plan. Everyone I met was helpful and considerate. Day one, my happiest moment was realizing I wasn’t the only woman on my floor — there were many of us. Yay for the women in tech at Wells Fargo N.A.!

What’s your favorite aspect of your company’s culture and/or your favorite company perk? 

The ability to speak up and present any idea. My favorite perk is the Well-Being programs that run on a monthly cadence. The program focuses on the theme ‘Live Healthy & Be Well.’ It is aimed at improving your overall well-being. 

What’s something you think most job seekers don’t know about your company that you think they should? 

Wells Fargo has given me a sense of belonging at work. I feel connected to the goals of my organization. I feel a sense of enthusiasm every day and see how not just me but others I work with bring a sense of connection to work and perpetuate that connection at work. Wells Fargo N.A. provides you with an awesome workplace. 

What’s the one career move you’ve made that you’re most proud of? 

Taking on a task that I am completely uncomfortable with, which was developing a Talent Development Program for the incoming group of interns from universities. I teamed them up with aspiring talent within technology to create a win-win program for both the existing talent within the organization and a future pool of talent. At the same time, we provided a true technology delivery experience for the interns and added business value for our organization. This four dimensional approach resulted in a lot of learning and was a whole new area of development for me. It tapped some of my strengths and several of my opportunities.

What’s your No. 1 piece of advice for women who are looking for jobs right now?

Your voice is always valued. Stay curious, be a learner as well as a teacher, maintain confidence, and be daring.


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