How to Introduce Yourself in an Email (Examples Included!)

Professional writing an email


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Leah Thomas866
July 27, 2024 at 1:5AM UTC

Mastering how to introduce yourself in an email to a potential professional contact is as important as the first impression you make in an in-person meeting. And let’s face it: we’ve all sent an awkward message or two that could have been seriously improved upon with a little help.

Whether you’re reaching out for a job opportunity, pitching a story or an idea, or simply building a professional connection, what you say and how you present yourself in that first communication is crucial.

We've compiled some effective tips on how to introduce yourself via email, along with examples for different situations. 

How to introduce yourself in an email: Step-by-step

A self-introduction email is much like any other. You start with a greeting, explain why you're reaching out, and suggest a follow-up action if applicable. When crafting yours, follow this guide:

1. Craft a catchy subject line

Before we get to the body of your email, we first need to make sure your email is opened. Let's start with that subject line. Your subject line should be quick and to the point (try to keep it at 30 characters maximum so it reads easily on a mobile device).

But don't make it too quick—never write a simple “Hello” or “Hi” that could easily be confused for a spam email. You want the perfect balance of brief yet thorough, which sounds more difficult than it is.

To ensure you're noticed, we have a few suggestions for your self-introduction email subject line:

1. Name-drop a mutual connection: “So-and-so gave me your email”

2. Mention your company: “Writer from Vox reaching out”

3. Mention any other connection: If you’re both alumni from the same school or if you have both worked for the same company in the past, for example.

4. Put the job title you’re applying for: “Job Application for Part-time Content Writer position”

2. Introduce yourself

After they open your email, draw them in further with the right introduction. If you are crafting a formal email, like for a job application, make sure to formally greet them—writing “Dear Amy” or “Dear Mrs. Smith” is formal and personal enough. 

But if you’re reaching out to simply form a connection or grab a coffee, be more casual. “Hi, Amy” works just fine. Insert your personality into the email—you want them to hear your voice when reading your introduction. Briefly describe yourself in one to two sentences. 

If it feels necessary, mention your credentials: “I have five years of experience as a copy editor with the following companies.” Let them know you are a professional. 

3. Get to the point

If you got their email from a mutual connection, mention this now. Use your connection to introduce the reason you are contacting her. “So-and-so gave me your contact information and suggested I reach out regarding potential freelance opportunities with your site. I love the work you do and would be interested in discussing it more over coffee (on me!)”

If you’re reaching out regarding a job application, mention that next (with the specific job title) as well as any email attachments like your resume and cover letter. Include a link to your published work or relevant accomplishments and a brief explanation of them. Be conversational and casual but also succinct. Keep your entire email to three paragraphs.

4. Close your email

Don’t forget to include a call to action. While you don’t want to be demanding or pushy, you want them to know you’re hoping for a response of some kind. Something as simple as “I look forward to hearing from you” or “I look forward to discussing this further in person” works perfectly.

Finish your email by thanking her for her time (and for simply reading your message!). Include a “Thanks in advance” or a “Thank you for your time” before signing off. 

This might give you some ideas: 7 Emails You Should Never End With “Best”—and Exactly What to Say Instead

Self-introduction email samples

Ready to see these tips put into practice? Here is a list of five examples of self introduction emails for different situations. Use them as a guide to craft your own message, injecting your personality into the mix.

Example #1: When building a professional connection

If you're looking to connect with a company and position yourself for future opportunities, here's what it should look like: 

Subject: Writer from Fairygodboss Reaching Out

Hi Amy, 

My name is Leah Thomas, and I’m a content writer with Fairygodboss who covers everything from winter desk decor to interview tips to astrology signs.

I’ve been following your Twitter for years (I love your theory on the evolution of cats—genius). I was excited to see you started a site of your own. 

Mark Fisher, who I used to work with at Vox, gave me your contact information and suggested I reach out regarding potential freelance opportunities. I love the work you do and would be interested in discussing it more over coffee (on me!). Let me know if you have 30 minutes in the next three weeks. 

Thanks so much for your time,

Leah Thomas

Example #2: How to introduce yourself on a job application

When applying for a job, you might need to send the recruiter an email along with your resume. Take this opportunity to include a brief introduction of yourself—it's not only polite but expected. Here's how to properly introduce yourself to a potential employer: 

Subject: Job Application for Content Writer position

Dear Mrs. Smith, 

My name is Leah Thomas and I’m applying for the content writer position. I'm excited about this opportunity to work at The ABC Company and believe my experience and skills make me the perfect candidate for the role.

I’ve attached my resume and a recommendation letter from my last employer to support my application. Please let me know if you need anything else. 

I look forward to hearing from you and scheduling an interview in due course.

Thank you for considering my application,

Leah Thomas

Example #3: How to introduce yourself to a new client

If your job or business involves regular interactions with new clients, you'll often need to introduce yourself and maybe schedule meetings, both virtual and in person. Here's a self-introduction email example for these situations:

Subject: First briefing meeting—Leah Thomas, XYZ project 

Hello Clara, 

My name is Leah Thomas and I work as a project manager at The ABC Company. I was informed that you're our new client and we'll be working together on the XYZ project.

I'm reaching out to schedule our first briefing meeting. I'm available from Tuesday to Thursday at 10 am and 1 pm. Please let me know if this works for you.

I'm looking forward to e-meet you and start sharing ideas. 

Best regards,

Leah Thomas

Example #4: New employee self-introduction email

Congrats on your new job! You want to introduce yourself professionally and make a positive impression on your new colleagues. Sending an email is a convenient way to reach everyone and give all the relevant information about yourself. If you're working remotely, that's pretty much your only option besides a virtual meeting. To do it right, take a look at this example of a self-introduction email to a new team:

Subject: A hello from your new Content Manager—Leah Thomas

Hello all, 

My name is Leah Thomas and I recently joined the company as the new Content Manager. 

As today is my first day, I wanted to introduce myself and express my excitement about joining the team. I look forward to meeting all of you and will be scheduling our first content team meeting soon.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need help with the ongoing projects.


Leah Thomas

Example #5: Self-introduction email to expand your network

Seeking to establish a new connection with another professional or business owner in your area? Here's an example of how to introduce yourself through email to grow your network:

Subject: Mariah Fisher gave me your email address

Hello Julianne, 

My name is Leah Thomas, and I would like to introduce myself and my business to you. I'm the co-founder of The Hiring Company and we help businesses to find talents.

I’ve attached my resume and a recommendation letter from my last employer to support my application. Please let me know if you need anything else. 

I welcome the opportunity to work with you and believe that we could establish a strong connection between our companies. Let me know when you're available to schedule a meeting.

Thank you for your time,

Leah Thomas

Other self-introduction email format and writing tips

To make sure your introduction email is perfect and will bring you the response you want—a job interview, a business partnership or a warm welcome from your colleagues—there is a final checklist to go through before pressing send. Check it out:

Use a standard font

Don’t try to jazz up your email by using script font or changing the color. Go for the default Sans Serif or something simple and professional like Arial, Tahoma, and Verdana. As for the color, black is always the best option.

Spell-check before sending

One grammar or spelling error could make you look unprofessional and hurt your chances of receiving a response. When in doubt, paste your email into Google Docs and use its spelling and grammar check tool to find any mistakes.

Ensure all names are spelled correctly

You definitely don't want to misspell the recipient's name. It shows a lack of attention to detail and can even be interpreted as disrespectful. So, double-check before sending and, if necessary, verify the spelling on LinkedIn.

Send it to yourself first

Read through your email and ensure everything looks great before sending it to someone else. And if you want to be extra careful, send it to a friend or family member as well. Take a couple of minutes before opening and reading it—it's often easier to spot mistakes in a text after you've taken a short break from it.

Attach the necessary documents

Include your resume, portfolio, or website if it feels appropriate. Add links to any company or publication you mention that's not common knowledge. You want to do as much work as you can on your side so that your recipient has everything they need right in that email.

Try to find a connection

If you’re cold-pitching someone (meaning you’ve never met them and have no direct connection to them) try as hard as possible to find a connection. Even being an alumnus from the same school or being from the same state is a connection you can use. 

Embrace the cold pitch 

Make a joke about having never met them and finding their email online, and don't be afraid to compliment them. For example: “I know you have no idea who I am, but I love your Twitter and have been following your hilarious posts about your pets for a long time.” In the age of social media, this will come off as flattering. 

Now you are officially ready to send that introduction email.

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