45 Ways to Make Money While Traveling

Woman on Computer in Hammock


AnnaMarie Houlis
AnnaMarie Houlis
Updated: 11/15/2018
Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to earn money while traversing the globe. You neither need to save thousands nor break the bank to travel the world — you can put away paychecks while doing it.
Don't believe me? Still wondering how to make money while traveling? Here are 45 ways to get paid on your adventures — some are easy money, while others require a little more elbow grease.
Photo via mooshny/AdobeStock
Photo via mooshny/AdobeStock

1. Blog

Anyone can start a blog, but not everyone has what it takes to nurture a successful blog. You can start a blog on any number of platfroms, such as WordPress to Squarespace. But you'll be responsible for curating content, analyzing traffic, promoting your pages and working with brands to earn money from ads and affiliate marketing, which can be a lot of work — especially when you're trying to get off your feet. Commit the time and effort, however, and you can earn a ton of money from blogging (and even save money on brand collaborations!).

2. Personal Training

If you're into working out, you might be interested in the fact that personal trainers can make a full-time income of $25.71 per hour, which equals to $53,323 per year, according to the 2010 salary survey from the American Council on Exercise. Take into consideration the fact that most travelers don't belong to any gyms while they're on the road, and many of the people you meet traveling might very well become clients.

3. Social Media Marketing

If you consider yourself social media savvy, put those skills to work by helping brands promote their content. You can do this entirely remotely, though you might have some conference calls with your clients to touch base on traffic numbers, audience analyzations and target goals. Look for these marketing gigs on media job sites, such as Mediabistro.

4. Taking on Tasks

There are tons of sites out there to earn you a quick dollar (or a lot of dollars, rather). Check out TaskRabbit, for example, to get started. You'll be picking up coffee, standing in ticket lines, moving furniture and more in no time.

5. Freelance

It doesn't matter what type of freelance work you're interested in doing — there's a site for it. Fivver, for example, has offered over three million services as of 2012. Upwork, formerly Elance-oDesk, is another global freelancing platform for businesses and entrepreneurs alike to connect and collaborate remotely.

6. Sell on Amazon or Ebay

Do you have a lot of stuff? Before you leave to travel the world, take photos of it all and list it all on Amazon or Ebay, two hubs of e-commerce. You can sell pretty much anything on them, and you can even customize your Amazon store with the website builder and sync it with your social media channels. Then you won't have to put in much effort while you're off exploring the new countries — other than promoting your products, you'll just wait and watch the money roll in.

7. Take on Quick Shifts

If you're in a place long enough, why not pick up a quick shift somewhere? Check out EasyShift, an app that allows you to shop, eat and explore in your city all while getting paid. All you'll have to do is sign up and apply for the quick shifts that are out there.

8. Publish an e-Book

Anyone can publish an e-Book with sites like Amazon that offer self-publishing tools. While Amazon takes a cut of your profits, you won't have to pay any publishing house fees. And you can even write about your adventures while experiencing them.

9. Sell Photography

Have an eye for photography? Whether you're an amateur photographer or a seasoned professional, there are tons of ways to sell your art. Twenty20, for example, is an app and website where you can engage in photo contests and sell your photos to brands. You can also reach out to brands and news organizations directly with a link to your personal portfolio if you have one.

10. Babysit or Care for Elders

Are you good with kids? How about elders? Consider babysitting for local families or lending a hand with caring for their elders. Care.com is a great site for families looking for child or senior care, and you can apply to openings anywhere in the world. Aupair.com is another great resource for longer-term caretaking gigs.
Photo via EdNurg/AdobeStock
Photo via EdNurg/AdobeStock

11. Influence on Social Media

Have a decent-size social media following? Have you considered reaching out to brands to promote their products or work as a brand ambassador? They'll pay you for every like and/or comment you receive, and often for the traffic you drive to their sites. You may even get a cut of the profits they make off your posts.

12. Rent Your Place

You're not going to be home while you're traveling so, unless you've ditched your apartment for the full-on nomad lifestyle, consider renting your place on sites like Airbnb. You can rent the entire place or just your room if you have roommates. Just make sure it's okay with them (and your landlord) before you do it.

13. Rent Your Car

If you have a car that will be sitting in your driveway while you're traveling, you can rent that out too. Apps like Getaround, an online peer-to-peer carsharing service that rents cars to those who need a ride from the owners of the cars directly, are great ways to earn quick and easy money. And you don't need to be there to hand the car over — the app will unlock the door for the driver, and the keys will be left inside.

14. Teach English Online

If you're moving around a lot, you might want to teach English online (as opposed to in a school). Sites like VIP Kid, an online education platform for Chinese students ages four to 12 learning English, are always looking for instructors. You'll only need to commit to 25-minute sessions that you can basically schedule as you please.

15. Teach English at a Local School

If you're in a place long enough, teaching at a local school is a great way to get to know a country and get paid while traveling, too. If you are a native English speaker, you have an extra-valuable skill that school systems around the world seek out. The International TEFL Academy, which will also grant you your certification (which is sometimes necessary), is an awesome resource for scouting teaching jobs around the world.

16. Book Others' Travel

If you're a seasoned traveler, you've probably got the whole planning part of the process down pat. Share your skills with others in need by becoming a travel agent. While you'll be based in an office for a lot of the time, you will get the chance to travel, too. After all, it's all part of your research.

17. Offer Translator Services

If you're in a foreign country where native English-language speakers are needed, offer translation services. You can work with companies, contractors or individuals alike to translate for them. It might be smart to post an advertisement of your services on local Facebook groups to get the ball rolling.

18. Work on a Cruise Ship

A cruise ship worker could be any number of things. Many cruise ships look to hire people who can fill the following roles, for example: clergy, bartender, casino dealer, entertainment director, musician, retail clerk, dance host, hairdresser, lecturer, cook, maintenance worker, customer service staff member, communications director, etc. AllCruiseJobs.com and cruise ships' career pages are great places to start looking for openings.

19. Report on Travel Trends

Do you have an eye for a compelling story and a way with words? Consider a job as a travel journalist, writing about destinations, hotel openings, festivals, culture and more from around the world. Often, your travel will be covered. But you can get started by traveling places yourself and pitching ideas to editors of travel and lifestyle magazines.

20. Cook

If you can cook, there's probably a job for you somewhere else in the world. Everywhere needs cooks — cafes, hotels, ships, restaurants and more. Your best bet is to take a stroll into local eateries and talk to people in person.
Photo via mavoimages/AdobeStock
Photo via mavoimages/AdobeStock

21. Bartend

You don't need any bartending experience to get bartending experience. Many bars and restaurants will hire you without a license or prior job experience. You have to start somewhere, and if you can speak the local language, you've got an advantage already. Consider taking a stroll to local bars and asking them if they need help. Also check local job boards for gigs.

22. Work for an Airline

Working for an airline means a lot of traveling — though you won't get much time in each destination. Whether you're a pilot or a stewardess, you'll certainly be hopping around the globe and scoring yourself free or discounted flights on your own time. To search airline jobs, look up airline career pages.

23. Join the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is a great way to volunteer abroad and make some money. You'll get a living stipend, and it'll set you up for a future with $8,000 to help you re-adjust to life in the States. Head over to the Peace Corps website to find volunteer opportunities to apply for.

24. Become a Travel Nurse

Travel nurses are needed all over the world, as there's a major shortage in health care professionals in many parts. If you're already a registered nurse, you can search possibilities for working abroad. NomadHealth.com is a great place to find travel nursing jobs.

25. Promote Destinations in PR

If you're always the one on top of travel trends and ahead of the game, a job in travel PR might be the route for you. J. Public Relations, for example, covers hotel openings around the world. You can still work a full-time job in public relations, then, while seeing the world.

26. Take up Consulting

If you're a savvy businesswoman, consider consulting other entrepreneurs and businesses on projects, campaigns and launches, etc. You can do a lot of consulting work remotely, checking in with clients via conference calls. It'd be wise to start a portfolio showcasing clients with which you've worked before.

27. Work at Events

Love music? Work at a music festival. Love food? Work at a food fair. Take up event gigs around the world. You can likely find ads for these festivals around town or on social media, so contact their organizers about possible opportunities.

28. Lead Tours

Tour guides get to spend all day outside, meeting new people and exploring the city. All touristic cities have tour guides, and if you're in a place without any tour companies, perhaps you can start one. There are tons of tour guide jobs online, but because it's a personable job, you might just want to wander into local offices. 

29. Work at a Hostel or Hotel

HostelJobs.net is one site where you can go to find jobs at hostels. Some will pay you, while others will just offer you room and board in exchange for your help. You'll probably end up bartending, working reception or cleaning beds and doing laundry.

30. Become a Dive Master

Becoming a dive master is a fun way to travel the world. Most touristic islands have dive centers where you can go to get your certification and maybe even land a job. Once you have your certification, your dives are clocked, and dive centers around the world will be able to see your experience.
Photo via trubavink/AdobeStock
Photo via trubavink/AdobeStock

31. Become a Surf Instructor

If you're a big surfer, why not pop into some of the surf shops in the local beach town you're visiting? If you're there for a long enough period of time, you might be able to pick up a gig teaching surf lessons. If there are no surf shops in the area but the waves are decent, consider offering your own surf lessons via fliers and social media marketing.

32. Sell Handicrafts

While traveling with tons of handicrafts isn't necessarily ideal, you can make money by selling items like handmade jewelry, for example. Many travelers will sell their handicrafts on busy streets or in bustling markets. If there are artist's markets in the area, get yourself a table at one of them, too.

33. Work on a Farm

Working on a farm is an excellent way to make money while traveling. Many farms will host you and pay you for your services, while others might just offer you free room and board in exchange for your help. Search for farm jobs in your location or talk to locals who might be able to point you in the right direction.

34. Become a Yoga Instructor

Yoga is growing in popularity around the world, with wellness centers and yoga retreats popping up everywhere from India (where it originated) to Guatemala and everywhere in between. If you've completed your yoga teacher training, chances are you can find a job in a center somewhere in the world, or even teaching in hotels or hostels. You can also start your own yoga business and promote classes on the beach or other public areas wherever you are.

35. Become a Natural Healer

Natural healing is also growing in popularity, especially for travelers who often have limited access to doctors and traditional medicines while they're on the road. Promote your services with fliers in traveler-packed places and on social media, letting backpackers and tourists alike know that, if they catch a stomach bug or run themselves down on the road, you're there to help.

36. Start Your Own Business

Starting your own business is incredibly time-consuming and, chances are, you won't have much time at all to travel when you're first getting off the ground. But once you're comfortable with a team of support behind you, you might be able to pick up and do your work remotely — after all, you're the boss. Whether you're starting an online e-commerce site or an accounting firm, find your calling and pursue it.

37. Lifeguard

Many beaches require lifeguards on duty. If you're a good swimmer, can deep dive and tread water — and have your lifeguard qualification to prove it — you can probably find a job at a beach or hotel pool lifeguarding for some time while traveling. Visit local municipalities and hotels to inquire about job openings.

38. Build Houses & Infrastructure

In many developing countries, there's a need for new homes and better infrastructure. If you have enough time in one destination to construct a house or build some roads, consider lending a hand. Many of these projects will be volunteer projects, but there is paid work out there, too.

39. Write Promotional Content for Travel Brands

If you've got a creative, witty sense of writing style, travel brands may be interested in working with you to write their promotional content. This content refers to everything from coming up with captions to Instagram photos to curating their weekly newsletters. If you already have a portfolio of writing clips, send it out to travel brands that interest you, and talk to them about working together.

40. Take up Performance Art

Performance art is a cultural phenomenon that manifests in many forms. If you have musical talent, busking on the road can earn you a lot of money. Other forms of performance art include fire dancing, miming, spoken word poetry and even puppeting.
Photo via nd3000/AdobeStock
Photo via nd3000/AdobeStock

41. Work on a Yacht

Like cruise ships, many yachts need helping hands. Deckhands, stewardesses, chief engineers, captains — these are all integral crew members. Look for yacht jobs on sites like YotSpot.com or YaCrew.com.

42. Offer Cleaning Services

If you're traveling longterm and looking to make money that isn't relegated to one place, you can offer cleaning services as you go. Let locals know that you're available to clean their homes. Let backpackers know that you're available to handle their laundry. Let hostels and hotels know that you're available for the short term to clean rooms.

43. Pet Sit

Petsitting is a fun way to make money while traveling. And, depending on where you're located, you might be able to spend time with some interesting animals. Post fliers of your services in town and check out sites like Care.com for petsitting gigs.

44. Home Sit

Homesitting is an easy way to make money traveling because you'll get a free place to stay and money in your pocket. There are tons of sites out there offering gigs to home sit for local families. TrustedHouseSitters.com and HouseSitter.com are two places to start.

45. Become a Barista

Are you a coffee person, or do you at least know how to make a good one? Cafes and hostels in touristic destinations alike value English-speaking baristas who can engage with tourists and local customers. Look for jobs by popping into cafes and speaking with the staff.
AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about women’s empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog, HerReport.org, and follow her journeys on Instagram @her_report, Twitter @herreport and Facebook.

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