I’m a Hiring Manager — These are My 5 Best Pieces of Advice for Anyone Looking for a Job Right Now

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AnnaMarie Houlis4.87k
Journalist & travel blogger
Updated: 4/19/2021
Job searching is never easy. But during the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic happenings, the  job search can feel like mission impossible. There's a wealth of information out there about companies that are hiring and exactly how to hunt for jobs during these trying times. 
But it's nice to hear it straight from the mouths of  hiring managers who are on the other side of things. That's why one hiring FGBer has shared her top tips with the Fairygodboss Community.
After just 24 hours, Malissa had received 35 applications for a position she posted the day prior. Her best advice, given her experience sifting through applications, is as follows:

1. "Please figure out how to upload your resume to indeed in a PDF. Makes things much easier on my end.

2. Pay attention to your objective/header. Saying you are looking for a career in an industry that's not mine will get you tossed to the reject pile.

3.  If you do not have experience in my industry, give me a compelling reason as to why you are applying. When you have no relevant experience and I can't see why you are applying, I'm passing you right over.

4. Please read the ad before blindly submitting your resume. I can tell.

5. If you are over qualified or have been out of work for the past two years, give me a reason you want this position and/or why you haven't been working."

Other FGBers who are responsible for hiring employees are chiming in in agreement.
"We usually hire via LinkedIn, and it's incredible how many applicants elect not to include their actual resume and apply with an incomplete LinkedIn profile alone," says Rachel Romero. "Please include your resume (and yes, as a PDF!) and spend a little time writing a good stand out cover letter, too, especially if you're changing fields or your experience might not match the job exactly."
At the end of the day, FGB'ers agreed it's important to make sure that your application comes across as genuine and proves that you're actually interested — this will be reflected in your attention to detail.
"In my line of work, we usually see hundreds of applications, but many of them are clearly from people who aren’t actually all that interested, which is clear from their application packet (and it’s never just one red flag)," writes FGBer, Jessica. "We aren’t looking for perfection; we’re trying to avoid spending time on applicants who are applying just to apply and aren’t really invested. I have a responsibility to my team and my workplace to find good people.
Want to add your own advice for job seekers? Comment below, or on the original post
AnnaMarie Houlis is a multimedia journalist and an adventure aficionado with a keen cultural curiosity and an affinity for solo travel. She's an editor by day and a travel blogger at HerReport.org by night.

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