10 Thoughtful Alternatives to “I Hope This Email Finds You Well”

Woman typing email, illustrating what to say instead of “I hope this email finds you well”

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writer, editor, semicolon lover.
July 26, 2024 at 11:30PM UTC

I was typing an email to my boss when suddenly my Gmail server showed me something that was, frankly, appalling. I’ve been a fan of the program’s autocomplete feature for a few months now; it’s made my quick responses and automatic replies easier and all the more spell-checked. Yet, as I started crafting my message, autocomplete suggested I open with, “I hope this email finds you well.”

A quick search of my inbox confirmed my fears—I start nearly every email with that same overused phrase. If you're like me and wondering, “What can I say instead of ‘I hope you're well’ in an email?” then wonder no more. 

Here’s why you should avoid this cliché and, most importantly, use one or more of these 10 creative alternatives instead. 

What does “I hope this email finds you well” mean?

“I hope this email finds you well” is a common and formal way to start an email, showing care for the recipient's time and well-being. While it's considered a professional opening line, it may sound robotic and impersonal due its overuse.

Why shouldn’t you use this phrase?

The phrase “I hope this email finds you well” isn’t necessarily offensive in its own right, but depending on the context, it can come off as insincere and generic.

For example, starting an email with “I hope this email finds you well” when you know for a fact that the recipient has been out sick for the past week isn’t the most thoughtful or personal way to begin a conversation. Instead, starting the email with asking how they’re doing or if they need any help managing their workload shows that you actually care—and that you’re paying attention.

When you resort to this cliché, those on the receiving end may immediately be turned off when they spot the impersonal message—and disengage before they’ve even read the rest of your email. 

But…can you use “I hope this email finds you well”?

If you believe it's the best choice, go ahead; it's not considered impolite or unprofessional. Just avoid using it too often, especially with the same person. And if you're really attached to the “I hope this email finds you well” meaning—showing that you care about their well-being—there are pretty similar variations that convey the same idea with a personal touch, such as:

  • “I hope you are doing well”

  • “I hope all is well”

  • “I hope you had a great week/weekend”

But we won't leave you with just those. Below, you'll find more specific (and, let's be real, more productive) ways to start your email, whether you’re trying to network, congratulate a coworker on a job well done, or follow up on a deadline.

10 “I hope this email finds you well” alternatives

You can do away with this cliché completely, and instead choose the right alternative for whatever situation you find yourself in at work. Here's how to say “I hope this email finds you well” without actually saying it:

1. “It’s a pleasure connecting with you again” 

This classic line is the perfect way to affirm the good rapport you have with the person you’re emailing. Make sure this line feels genuine to the recipient by following it up with a specific reason as to why you’re glad to be reconnecting with them. 

Hi Allen, 

It’s a pleasure connecting with you again. You were a great help in finalizing expansion plans for the new warehouse in August.

Since we last spoke, my team and I have improved our logistics processes. However, we’ve run into some problems with distribution and information processing systems. If possible, I’d really appreciate your perspective on how your team handles distribution and information processing at the Jersey City warehouse. Do you have any availability for a meeting this week? 

Thank you,

2. “[Mutual contact] mentioned that I should reach out to you”

Mentioning a mutual contact you both know and trust immediately establishes a connection between you and the person you’re emailing. However, don’t make the third party the whole subject of the email. Once you’ve touched on the connection, make the switch to discussing your own reason for reaching out. (Here's how to introduce yourself in an email the right way.)

Hi Yolanda, 

Rory Nells mentioned that I should reach out to you for more information about our sponsored ads on Instagram. When you have a chance, could you send me the reports you use to track the ads’ performance? I’d like to share these in our next content meeting for my team to understand what ads our audience is engaging with and help us create future content. 

Thanks in advance for your help!


3. “I’d love to connect you with [another person]!”

People appreciate being introduced to other people for a variety of reasons, including if that person can further their career, assist with a project, or help them solve a project. If you have someone in your network that could potentially help the person you’re emailing, offering to introduce them is a great opportunity to connect—and may even help you get some beneficial introductions in return.

Hi Jerry,

I’d love to connect you with my colleague James Mantelson. We used to work together at ABC Tech. James has worked on a variety of tech product marketing campaigns, and I think his insights could be helpful as you plan next year’s new product launches.

Would it be OK to introduce you? Let me know and I can connect you and James over email.


4. “I hope you’re having a good week”

Although the “hope” in this line does recall the “I hope this email finds you well” cliché, this alternative adds a more personalized feel to your email correspondence. While you can (and should!) discuss the reason you reached out later in the email, make sure you leave enough room for a transition. It’d be quite a scare to get well wishes and then hear about a company failure.

Good morning Ella, 

I hope you’re having a good week and have fully recovered from your cold. Unfortunately, it seems that it’s going around again—two members of my team are out sick as well. 

I wanted to update you and let you know that we’ve fully transitioned to the new uploading process when adding products to the site. Please let me know if you have any questions or want to schedule a time to discuss the new process further.

Thank you,

5. “I’m eager to get your expertise on [subject you’d like the recipient’s expertise on]” 

If you’re looking for someone’s advice—whether that’s on a personal project, career move, or potential business deal—this line not only flatters the person you’re emailing, but will also get the job done. (One important thing to note: If you don’t know the person you’re emailing well, make sure to triple check their background and confirm your request is relevant; that way, you don’t end up asking a physicist for their economic expertise.)

Hello Erika, 

I wanted to get your sales expertise on a potential business deal with United Herbals. I remember you mentioning that you had past experience in the herbal medicine industry, and I’d love to get your insights on the deal. Do you have any availability this week to hop on a call to discuss further?

Let me know!

Thank you,

6. “I would love your opinion on [report, asset, or other deliverable]”

Similar to asking for expertise, asking someone for their opinion can be a great way to not only flatter them, but get the insights you need to better evaluate and make decisions on a current project, report, asset, or other deliverable.

Hi Ariel,

I would love your opinion on this new logo design. I know you played a major role in defining our company’s branding, so your opinion on what you like—and don’t like—about the new logo design would be extremely helpful.

The file is attached; let me know what you think!

Thanks so much,

7. “Congratulations on [accomplishment, project, or event]!”

Reaching out to someone to celebrate their personal accomplishments is a great way to establish a close relationship. You can either use their success as an opportunity to connect and reach out, or you can take it a step further and include a short explanation of how their accomplishment will positively impact your company, team, or your individual positions. Just make sure the compliment is genuine.

Hi Taylor, 

Congratulations on the successful launch of the new customer service messaging platform! The new platform will allow me to seamlessly answer customer inquiries as they come in and hopefully reduce our customer response times—giving me an opportunity to better serve our customers.

I’m incredibly excited to hear feedback from our customers, as I’m sure you are. Please extend my congratulations to the rest of your team!


8. “It was great to see you at [event]” 

If you run into someone at a meeting or other event—and you’re hoping to build a relationship with that person—send them an email shortly after your run-in. Make sure to mention a few quick details of the encounter (you don’t want to assume everyone will remember seeing you!) and then expand on what you last discussed.

Hi Ellen, 

It was great to see you at the fundraising event this past weekend! I enjoyed our discussion about ways we could potentially partner with the American Breast Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October. If possible, I’d love to continue this discussion with you—do you have any availability to connect Wednesday or Friday of next week? 

Let me know,

9. “How did [project or event] go?”

Asking directly about someone’s work event demonstrates that you care and pay attention to what’s going on in their life. If you can choose a project or event that directly relates to what you’re emailing about, that’s even better.

Hi Sadie, 

How did the residential project go? I heard from Bryan that you finished the floor plans for those units. 

I’d like for us to discuss how to proceed in pitching these to the Sunnywalk Apartments team. Do you have availability for a call next week to discuss?

Let me know,

10. “Can you get back to me by [deadline]?”

Setting a deadline helps keep the person you’re emailing on track and gives you a timeframe of when you’ll get a response, which can make it easier to keep yourself on track. While this line can be effective with anyone, it works especially well with people who thrive on structure and schedules.

Hi Jada, 

Can you get back to me with the fourth quarter reports by Thursday morning? I’m hoping to have these included in our company-wide email.

Thank you,

Deanna deBara contributed to the latest version of this article. 

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