‘I Love My Job’: From Giving 66% of Every Dollar to Charitable Causes to a Supportive Team

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Photo courtesy of Wipro.

Photo courtesy of Wipro.

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Updated: 4/10/2023

Welcome to I Love My Job, the series where we hear from women who really love their jobs. In this edition, we sat down with Erika Bartoldus, the Vice President and Global Account Executive at Wipro.

In her over 25 years of experience in technology services and sales, Bartoldus shares that one of her most important journeys was learning to be comfortable with prioritizing her personal needs. In fact, she calls defining your boundaries and making time for yourself and your loved ones a “fundamental responsibility.” At Wipro, she found a company that will help her do just that!

Wipro not only has great work-life benefits, but, at the company, “I have a really wonderful support structure with my manager and my team,” Bartoldus tells us. “We take care of each other. My best advice to anybody is to really build your support structure, and you'll find that they hold you up in times of need and set you free in times when it's time to grow.”

Wipro doesn’t just support their team, either. “We care deeply about our clients, our people, our communities, and the world,” Bartoldus explains. “Wipro is quite special… For every dollar we earn, 66% of it goes to charitable causes. We operate with what I would call a deep set of values and beliefs, and it really gives me a lot of pride in what I do and the company I work for.” 

In short, Bartoldus tells us that Wipro has “a culture of caring.”

In the video below, Bartoldus tells us more about why she loves working at Wipro. We also provide lightly edited highlights from the video discussion in the following article.

In case you have trouble watching this video, please click here to watch it on YouTube.

Can you tell us what you find most exciting about your work? 

Working with my client and my teams. My best days are working through solving my client's toughest challenges, which really takes a tremendous amount of collaboration across Wipro's entire ecosystem. And it makes me feel good at the end of the day when I know that I made a difference

What is your favorite thing about Wipro?

[In addition to the culture of caring, my favorite thing is], my team. They really inspire me every day. I'm just amazed at the work they do, their focus on collective success, and also the empathy that they have, the camaraderie that we share, and the respect that we have for one another. They're really the reason for my success. 

What advice do you have for other women looking to work at Wipro?

Take the leap and join our family. Be free and grow. There is so much that we can accomplish, and we can succeed together.

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