If You’re Not Saying These 4 Phrases in an Interview, the Hiring Manager May Not Trust You

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Laura Berlinsky-Schine2.3k
July 27, 2024 at 12:19AM UTC

They’re a delicate dance, job interviews. It’s difficult to know precisely what to say and when to say it. Still, there are some phrases you absolutely should say — no matter what.

1. “I will.”

Instead of saying “I can,” use a more forceful active verb: “Will.”

Tell the interviewer how you will perform specific responsibilities. The ability is implied, but you also need to convey your eagerness to comply with the demands of the role. “I will” says you’re ready to tackle the job head-on.

2. “I have experience.”

Tell them about the experience you have demonstrating your prowess with the job requirements. Be specific, discussing precisely what you’ve done that’s relevant to the position.

On a similar note, if the interviewer asks you if you have experience with a certain program, system, skill, etc., never outright say no. Instead, shift the conversation to what you CAN do. For example, discuss how you’ve had extensive experience using a similar program and are a super-quick study, as evidenced by your ability to grasp such-and-such skill in a very short amount of time.

3. “I’m excited.”

Show how passionate you are about the company and the job by letting them know outright that you’re excited about the role. In addition to saying it, demonstrate your enthusiasm by smiling and actively engaging in the conversation, as well as using positive body language to express how much you’d love to work there.

4. “Thank you.”

No matter what, you must never end an interview without thanking the interviewer. You should say this in person, as well as extend your gratitude in a follow-up email or note. They took time out of their busy schedule to meet with you, and you need to demonstrate that you appreciate that. It’s also, frankly, the courteous thing to do.

Every interview is different, of course, but professionalism is professionalism — and these phrases will, at the very least, demonstrate this important quality.


This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of Fairygodboss.

Laura Berlinsky-Schine is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn with her demigod/lab mix Hercules. She specializes in education, technology and career development. She also writes satire and humor, which has appeared in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Jane Austen’s Wastebasket, and Funny-ish. View her work and get in touch at: www.lauraberlinskyschine.com.

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