Ignore the Haters And 4 Other Biz Lessons Chrissy Teigen Serves Daily

Chrissy Teigen

@chrissyteigen / Instagram

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Candace Alnaji118
The Mom at Law
July 27, 2024 at 12:8AM UTC

Chrissy Teigen. There’s a good chance you’ve heard of her. A model, author, actress, wife, mother, and social media queen, rarely a day passes where Teigen’s name isn’t headline news.

Whether you are a fan of hers or not, there is no denying that she is a force in today’s popular culture. Not only has she enjoyed a successful modeling career, she also has several film and television credits. She owns a clothing line. She’s wife to one of the most accomplished singer-songwriters of all time, John Legend. And together, the couple has two small children: Luna and Miles.

This fall she released her second cookbook, Cravings: Hungry For More (also known as Cravings 2). To coincide with the release of Cravings 2, Teigen also released a line of cookware. Basically, she’s proven to be a versatile businesswoman.

Here are five things we can all learn from Chrissy Teigen’s career.

1. Pursue your passions.

Teigen’s career has taken some interesting turns. From appearances in Sports Illustrated and music videos to cookbook launches and partnering with Pampers, Teigen’s career has changed right alongside her personal life.

She hasn’t let herself be typecast into a single creative genre. Instead, at each stage, she’s taken what she is passionate about and ran with it—a good lesson for any of us.

2. Speak your truth and find your people.

Another lesson to learn from Chrissy Teigen’s career: speak your truth and find your people. Of course, not everyone will like what you have to say, but that’s how you thin the herd and find your true audience. This is particularly important if your work involves building a following and/or establishing a client base.

From opinions on politics to motherhood, Teigen has never shied away from sharing exactly how she felt. To be sure, not everyone can afford to be so outspoken in their professional lives. However, we should all conduct ourselves in a manner that matches our values, choose actions and words that are genuinely our own, and forget about the rest.

3. Brand yourself.

Take a lesson from Teigen’s entrepreneurial spirit and self-branding skills. If you have a vision, nurture it and make it your own. Know who you are, what you stand for, and what your goals are.Then, ensure your signature mark is left in all you do.

4. Make time for family.

Teigen hasn’t only nurtured her career—she’s nurtured her family life as well. In fact, her identity as a wife and mother is as integral to her image and her status as an author and model.

No matter your field or passion, remember to make time for family. Spend quality time with your children away from your devices. Be your spouse’s biggest fan. Especially if you both have demanding careers, dialogue with one another. Lift each other up. This will only help you. 

And don’t forget about your parents either. Teigen’s close relationship with her mother is well-known—and one worth emulating.

5. Ignore the haters. 

Finally, don’t let the naysayers get you down. There will always be people who love nothing more than to criticize and cast doubt. Many times, these will be people on the outside or periphery of your life, not your closest supporters.

Teigen is a polarizing figure. There are plenty of people who don’t like her, and she knows that—and she doesn’t care. Or, at least, she does not let that stop her from continuing to create and pursue her goals.You shouldn’t let the haters get you down either. Remember who you are and keep going.

More on Chrissy Teigen:

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Candace is a practicing attorney, working parents advocate, freelance writer, and proud mom. Her legal practice focuses on workers’ rights. She can be found writing about law, motherhood, and more on her blog as The Mom at Law.

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